Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Week in Review (Jan. 7 - Jan 13)

Heads up - I finally discovered the "FitSnap" app - so look for those really obnoxious selfies with a text overlay of my running. Wheeeee!!

Tuesday - The gym was crowded, as expected. I had to wait for a treadmill. 4.25 of not-so-great miles. Felt VERY hard. Also, 3:00 plank.

L surprised me with this tank. Isn't it The Best??
Wednesday - Went to BodyPump, and it was surprisingly NOT packed. It was, however, VERY exhausting. Every time I do this it is like I have never lifted weights. 1 mile after class.

Thursday - Every intention of a Great Run. However, weight gain has caught up with me. 2.5 horrible, terrible, no good, very bad miles AND chafing. Wah. Hopped off the treadmill and did 5.4 on the bike.
Friday - 1 mile in the basement inferno - not bad.
Saturday - L was racing and I since had both kids, I headed to the gym. Hoped to knock out 10 miles, and instead, suffered through 7.5. Again, felt VERY HARD for the pace. No bueno.
Crazy sock day at the gym
Lounged around most of the day. After dinner I headed downtown to meet up with co-workers for bar hopping. Pretty fun, but getting home at midnight was rough.
Sunday - Was woken up early for a trip we have been planning for AGES to Voodoo Doughnut!! They have been open with limited hours since mid December, and we still had not gone! We were pleasantly surprised with a minimal line and were in and out in about a half hour.
Spent most of the day on the couch, but took A skating in the afternoon. Put off running until very late. 1 mile in the basement inferno (not the WORST, but not especially wonderful). Did the arms video and 2:00 plank. I'm going to die dead when I start doing these videos for Real.

Monday - Finally, finally, FINALLY, not the worst run ever. It wasn't by any means, Great, but I got 10k done and one mile was at 10:00, which is pretty fantastic. My favorite day so far of "spirit week" at the gym - NEON!!

Weekly Miles Run - 23.49 miles (all treadmill)
Weekly Cross Training - 5.4 miles on the bike (15 minutes)
Minutes of Strength Training - 74 minutes (I really need to get back to doing those videos...)

Weekly Loss - 2.0 pounds
  • I made a conscious effort this week to get back into better habits. I have really let things slide over the last few months, and let's face it. Both the scale and my running reflects that.
  • Beer was IN CONTROL this week. I did not buy any beer this week and pretty much the only real consumption was Saturday when we all went out for co-worker's birthday for drinks.
  • I did have some splurges this week, of course. And they were totally worth it. Voodoo Doughnuts, Smashburger and Yogurtland.

Everything Else
  • We had a firm meeting last week. From what I gathered, they have NO plans on replacing the other legal assistant until after our firm relocates - which is not for another 2.5 months. MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE.
  • Related: I had a "talk" with the crazy office manager that if they don't get someone in soon, I will be looking elsewhere. The concern over my work led to:
    • You do the "least" of any secretary in the history of the firm (UM, WHAT???)
    • SHE is soooooooooo busy, so at any time I feel like actually pitching in, she needs the help (never mind that she makes three times what I do AND has a company car).
  • For fun, I re-opened my POF account. Yep, just as dumb and annoying as I remember. So far, I've been hit up by people in other states (WHY?), a woman, and then of course, the people that after ONE basic message say they hate texting/messaging and we either go out or they don't want to talk to me. Maybe I'm crazy and/or paranoid, but I feel like at least getting to know something BASIC about someone before agreeing to meet them. It's only been a week and I'm already on the verge of quitting. Online people are INSANE, RUDE, and DEMANDING.
  • I quit a book for the first time in as long as I can remember. I will usually suffer through an uninteresting book. This one? I just could NOT do it.
  • Did you hear that I'M FAMOUS??? A friend on Dailymile sent me a message that she thought I was in the January issue of "Competitor" magazine. And she was right! Aren't I super photogenic?? (Can you even tell which one is me?! lol)
  • DID YOU KNOW THAT THIS WEEKEND IS TINKER BELL??? I am the most excited EVER!!! Spoiler: Heather and I are looking for a new Disney PR!!!


  1. Enjoy Tink! Give Heather a big hug for me.

  2. I think I need that app.

    Hooray for being famous! I was in Runner's World once a couple years ago for the montana marathon.

  3. You have always been famous to us (your loyal blog readers). lol. It looks like you had a pretty good week of workouts and runs. Good luck at the Disney Tink race!

  4. voodoo!!! yum!! yay for being famous :) yall have so much fun this weekend!


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Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...