Wednesday, January 8, 2014

And It FINALLY Ended (2013 Recap)

Much like last year, no need to do a giant flashy recap. I can sum things up with a few videos and a picture:

I managed to close out the year with less than TWO MILES more than I ran last year. Which, was the ultimate goal for me once I saw how close I was at the beginning of the month. Considering I took like a 6 week run hiatus, I'm really proud of that number. Not sure what is in the cards for 2014 yet...


And it was, of course, a great year with my kiddo. (Yes, I realize some of these pictures are not from 2013, but they were really adorable and I had them from "Throwback Thursdays" so I tossed them in anyway)


How was your year? Did you meet your goals? Anything fun lined up for the first part of the year?


  1. I'm kinda missing the flashy recap. Maybe because I can't view video on my work computer:(

  2. 2013 was pretty good for me. I got to cross several states off my quest to run a half in all 50, I was originally going to run 13 half marathons in 2013 but ended up doing 17 of them. In 2104 I'm going to step up to the plate an attempt another full marathon; it will have been 4 years, the goal is for 20 half marathons, doing my first ever back-to-back half marathons but will only be able to cross one state off the list this year. The husband it's training to do another full Ironman so 2104 will be "his" year.

    Thanks for keeping me inspired!

  3. Wow. Seeing those 47 pounds burned I would immediately start thinking about how justified I am eating all those cookies and doughnuts.

  4. yay! great job- i love dailymile!!

    would love for you to join me here, if you're interested!

  5. My year was not what I had planned but overall it wasn't a total loss, I spent most of the year injured but still ran some great races. nothing planned yet for this year except to get healthy

    Great job with your year!

  6. love the idea of doing videos- great year :)

  7. the scenery in the pics are gorgeous!! nice work on the miles! 2013 was bleh in running as you know, so i'm pumped for 2014!

  8. 2013 was a good year! I finished my DPD courses and got into a RD internship, worked through an injury, still managed to finish 5 halves, and saw my daughter off to college. A is adorable! Loved the photo's - they made me tear up! Great job on the two miles over last year, too!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...