Saturday, November 30, 2013

Redline Turkey Day 10k (Race Recap)

Thursday, November 28
Broomfield, CO
Weather - Chilly, perfect

My dad registered me for the Turkey Day 10k back in October. I wasn't ready to shell out the money for a 10k since I don't like the "fast running." Apparently there was a miscommunication relating to babysitting, so I thought I was going to be sitting out. The night before, I had done an 8 mile tempo run. Needless to say, my legs were a little heavy race morning.

The 10k started at 9:00, so we planned to drop the kids off with my mom at 8:15 and to pick up my dad, who was also doing the 10k. By the time we parked the car, we barely had enough time to cycle through the bathroom line. As we headed to line up, a childhood friend found us at the start line:

Me, Kathy, L
Right after this picture it was time to start. L was going for a PR, and I was hoping to not die. I knew I had started out a bit too fast, but it is hard to pull back in a faster, crowded field. It caught up with me before we even hit the first aid station at mile 2. I was tired from my tempo run the night before and my legs were HEAVY. I walked extra long at the aid station and took a gel, hoping it would revive me for the last 4 miles.

Spoiler - it did NOT. I had to walk a few more times before the course finally headed downhill just after mile 3, which was when we met up with the 5k course. Unfortunately, the 5k had started in waves 15 minutes after us, so I caught up to the super slow walkers. Don't get me wrong, I loved that there were so many people out, but I had met up with the drunken toddlers and elderlies that were out for a luxurious stroll. I felt pretty good between miles 3-5 and then I DIED. The last mile was terrible, and I probably took 3 walk breaks. I barely was able to run the end - but then I saw L, and is my trademark, took a SUPER AWESOME chute picture:

My finisher time was actually NOT that terrible, considering how poorly I felt. And still 3+ minutes faster than I ran it last year.

Official Time - 1:04:08
Gender Place - 173/233
Division Place - 64/81
Garmin Time - 1:04:10
Mile 1 - 9:40
Mile 2 - 11:30
Mile 3 - 10:54
Mile 4 - 10:22
Mile 5 - 10:09
Mile 6 - 11:05
Mile 6.2 - 9:31

Did I mention that L KILLED her PR and ran a 51:06??????? She is The Fastest!!!

My mom drove the kids up to do the 1/2 mile kid's run. We had a miscommunication and we were at the parking lot waiting for them to pull up and didn't think they had made it in time so I missed getting to see A run. My mom says that she was about 10th kid back. Oh. 10th.

We stuck around for the raffle again... my dad was actually the second person called, and they had to play "Price Is Right" - guess Constantina Dita's 2008 Olympic marathon pace. The winner won $100, runners up won an autographed picture from her. (Did I mention that she won the women's 10k with a time of 37:00??) Sadly, neither L nor I won anything, even though I totally could have killed either the pie eating contest or the plank contest. Maybe next year.


  • Different course than last year and I did NOT like it. Meeting up with the 5k course was pretty tragic. Too many slow people with dogs, strollers, walking 4-5 across...
  • I don't know WHY the results are 10k vs. "Women's" 10k... c'mon now. It is 2013, I think we are all running the same race.
  • LOVE the shirt. He does a great job doing unique, high quality tees. A is wearing the shirt in the above picture (there is a zippered pocket on the back left seam for iPod, money, whatever).
  • LOVE the raffles, MAYBE I WILL WIN ONE YEAR.
  • Lots of goodies at the end - Mrs. Field's cookies were my favorite and I really restrained myself only taking 3.
  • Fairly inexpensive as they usually do a deal that makes it around $25. Will probably run again next year.


  1. Love your turkey tanks. Sounds like a good race overall. I wish we had a Thanksgiving 10K here...just a bunch of 5Ks. I need more of a calorie burn :)

  2. I'm not sure why, but i just do not like 10ks (to date I've only 'raced' 1 and it was miserable)

    glad your temps were perfect unlike the rest of us who were exposed to colder than OK temps

  3. I've done one Redline Race (Westminster 5K last April) - and did love it! Great shirts, great post-race stuff, and (the best part) GREAT PRICE!


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