Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Week in Review (December 10 - December 16)

Tuesday (10,271 steps) - Peloton ride before work, since I knew I was not going to be going to the gym at lunch. I had a work lunch with my team - dressed up for the first time in AGES.
We had two hours blocked for lunch, but the service was soooo slow, it ended up being a THREE HOUR LUNCH. Not that I really minded since I was getting paid, but come on!!
Took Olive for a walk when I got home. Also, my holiday gift from Heller (my friend/realtor) came. I am not sure why I selected something I have to keep alive, but here we go...
Wednesday (13,814 steps) - Very short walk with Olive before work. I had yet another lunch party, this time it was just for staff. It was a potluck, which I did not bring anything to. I also forgot to wear my ugly sweater, and that was super sad since they were doing prizes for the best ones.
Went up to Louisville for run club. I forgot my headlamp and Ben forgot his running clothes, so he ran in jeans. We had to use a flashlight for the trail section. I had an easy fartlek on schedule and THAT part was ok. Warm up was terrible. Larry joined us for most of the run. We met Terri at Murphy's afterwards.
Thursday (13,295 steps) - Back to five days of running, I guess. It was relatively chilly, so I wore my new rabbit Chill jacket. Run was fine, I guess.
Took Olive for a long walk. A went to visit a friend for the night, so it was just me and Ben for Torchy's Thursday.
More Yellowstone, I'm sure.
Friday (13,138 steps) - I convinced A (and Olive) to join me for Wash Park. We were treated to a GORGEOUS sunrise.

It was chilly, like usual. Stella's afterward. 4 Noses, where we met up with Terri? Pretty sure we had leftovers for dinner. Yellowstone.
Saturday (23,546 steps) - I had an adventure day on schedule. We had plans to meet Terri in Boulder at 9:30. Ben was messing around with truck stuff, so I left him at home and met her there. No real plan of what to do, but I was interested in where she does her hill repeats (always looking for new and non-technical places to do those). We did three repeats - it was a pretty day!
We went to Murphy's for a beer and a snack.
Headed home to shower, then took Olive for a walk. Did some reading, but had nothing to do until my hair dried and it was time to start getting ready for my work holiday party.
Meanwhile, Ben went to pick up our porch Goose (her name is Goosifer, Goosie for short).
I had wanted to leave by 5:15 to get to the Botanic Gardens and hopefully find a spot in parking garage. The traffic on the way down was miserable, and it took us over a half hour to find parking, which left us both in an irritated mood. The food was delicious, but the venue was really small for the number of people, so it was hard to talk with people and the food/beer lines were really long.
We headed out for "Blossoms of Light" - and thankfully it was nowhere near as cold as I feared it would be. I had never seen these, so it was neat!

We caught up to Erica, who had brought her real camera, and she got this picture of us. I'm wearing multiple coats, if you can't tell...

It was getting late, so we opted to just leave when we got done with the lights. We stopped at Larry's Christmas party on the way home. First time getting to see his house since it was rebuilt. There was a lot of food (although we weren't really hungry) and the only picture I took was of his adorable dog, Faith:
Sunday (10,882 steps) - Blah. Only thing we had to do for the day was a short run. We procrastinated, like usual. Ben got us all coffee from Dutch. We played with Olive:
By the time we finally got out for our run, it was lunch time. It was crazy windy again, and I had picked Van Bibber for our run because 1). I hadn't run there in many years, and somewhere different was sounding nice and 2). It was on our way to our next stop.

We went to Brass Armadillo with the hopes of finding some additional accessories and clothes for Goosie, but sadly, they didn't have anything. We went to Parry's for a beer and a snack - Ariel ended up joining us. Ben and I took Olive for a walk when we got home, then it was yet another Yellowstone marathon.
Monday (18,306 steps) - I had to get up early for my run, which I hate, because A had her wisdom teeth extraction appointment, and I didn't want to be out on a run while she recovered. It was really cold, with high humidity, so it felt even colder. At least it wasn't windy, I guess. Saw a zillion bunnies, a hawk and a bald eagle!

Got to Ariel's appointment, only to find out her dental insurance had been cancelled at the end of November because apparently it was only good through her 19th birthday?? We went ahead with the procedure, although we will need to fight with the insurance company, because we did call to verify coverage. SO ANNOYING. Sad Ariel:
Had to run to Target at lunch to get her prescriptions, then I picked up lunch for us at Costco. Pizza for me and a smoothie for A. We watched a horrible movie and she finally napped. After work I did a few deliveries, then home for dinner. Goosie's Christmas dress arrived, isn't she cute??

  • 103,252 steps
  • 19.6 miles run
  • 14.08 miles walked
  • 20 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...