Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Week in Review (November 26 - December 2)

Tuesday (11,120 steps) - I had messaged Amber to ask if it was ok if I came into the office a bit later so I didn't have to get up as early and fight with traffic. I still logged in at my usual time, but just waited a few hours before I drove in. When I got to my desk, I saw that Joyce had left an adorable advent calendar for Olive!
Took Olive for a walk after work.
Wednesday (11,787 steps) - Work in the office. With Ariel home for break, I didn't have to talk Olive for a walk early. I got off early for Thanksgiving, yay!! We went to Torchy's for dinner since they were going to be closed on Thanksgiving. 
Thursday (11,605 steps) - Up early for a Turkey Trot! We signed up last night, and I had zero idea how it was going to go. We arrived an hour early since I remember how hard it can be to find parking. We literally got the closest spot possible to the start line.
Used the bathroom a few times and lined up. PS, this was Ben's first ever Turkey Trot! 
I didn't want to be up close because I had no idea how the day was going to go, but I remember what a cluster the first mile is with kids and families and walkers. We did have to do a lot of weaving and pretty quick I realized I was going to pass out, haha. I think I made it a mile in before I had to walk. I also got really hot and took off my top layer (thankfully I had a tee on under). 

After walking (about 4 minutes total), I felt a lot better and had a great last mile and sprint to the finish.
3.07 miles, average pace 11:15 (not bad just a few days post 100 miles). Mile 1 - 11:06, Mile 2 - 13:10 allll the walking, Mile 3 - 9:41 and sprint 8:19.
We walked to the beer tent, skipping Liquid Mechanics and going right for Gravity Brewing. We found Larry and Terri and stayed around chatting until everything was torn down.
Accompanied Terri to Crystal Springs before heading home.
Ben started on the ham and I took Olive for a walk. We had Thanksgiving dinner (I guess I took zero pictures?) with Ariel and her friend Mari. After dinner we watched "Free Birds" and a few episodes of Ted Lasso.
Friday (12,792 steps) - I had the day off, but I still went to Wash Park with Olive. It was fun seeing almost our whole group, but later in the morning. I ran some errands and went to Parry's for lunch.
Took Olive for a walk.
Saturday (10,380 steps) - Did a short Peloton ride so I wouldn't blow my streak. Ben and I took Olive for a bit of a longer walk. We were hungry when we got back and spent a bit of time trying to decide what to do for lunch. Ariel and Mari had plans to go back to school so we went to Malone's.
Noses? Dog walk? Zero idea of the rest of the day.
Sunday (13,635 steps) - Took Olive for a walk. Ben and I went to Rock Creek for a run. Pace was slow, effort seemed high. Glad that was done.
We went to Mudrocks afterwards and happened to run into Larry!
Did some shopping and then a stop at Noses again.
Ariel and Olive both got to do day 1 of their advent calendars. Not sure who was more excited. 
Monday (14,745 steps) - Work from home! Olive also enjoyed advent day 3.
Went for my run while Ariel finished up doing laundry and taking a shower. I had a short run on schedule, but it still felt horrible. Shorts were cute though.
Took Ariel back to school, took Olive for a walk and went to King Soopers to pick up groceries and lunch. Yum, sushi.
Did some driving after I got off work and then met Ben at Salsa's for dinner.
Short Olive walk and more Ted Lasso!

  • 86,064 steps
  • 9.03 miles run
  • 16.34 miles walked
  • 10 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength

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