Thursday, June 27, 2013

Three Things Thursday (Run Club Edition!)

It's no secret that I adore going to run club, even when I'm on a run hiatus. Last night might have been the best one I've ever been to.

1. Brooks was the vendor of the evening. I got to try the Ghosts (which I didn't like) and just for trying, I got a sweet new towel.
2. There was apparently a cupcake contest!! I vaguely remember hearing about it last week, but since I don't cook AND I'm the laziest human ever, I figured I could just help consume the cupcakes. This was the best cupcake I have ever had in my life (could I be biased since it's been 8 weeks since I had one?)
Maple. Bacon. French Toast. Cupcake

3. There was also a keg of beer... New Belgium Sunshine Wheat. Oh man... it was tasty.

I also ran a couple miles, but since it was 95 degrees, that was probably the low point of the evening.


  1. Wow. Sounds like the perfect night, minus the 95 degrees. That's just wrong.

  2. Sounds fun! Does your running club have a website?

  3. Cupcakes, beer, and running-now that is a group run Allan could get excited about!

  4. That cupcake looks amazing!

  5. Sounds like a really great evening!! That cupcake looks delicious, I can't believe you've survived so long without cupcakes.

  6. Cupcakes and beer!? That's my kind of running club!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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