Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Things I Like About Me!

I read a great blog post this morning - thanks Steph!

So here is MY post about what I am liking right now. Newly single, this are the things I'm liking about ME! (PS - GOMI if you are still snarking on my blog, yes, I think I'm pretty awesome and I do, in fact, enjoy posting pictures of myself).

In no particular order.
  • Grumpy cat. He is hilarious.
  • I have the best Mini Me EVER!!! Enjoying that she is not too embarrassed by me yet, and that we can do stupid things like matchy matchy skirts when we go roller skating.
    • Related: Being asked at the skating rink if that was my sister. When I said no, she said, you look way too young to be a mom. EGO BOOSTER FOR SURE!
  •  Planning race outfits!!!
  • Running pain free miles!
  • And running those pain free miles in the privacy of my own basement where I can feel good about my cute Lululemon pace setter and not feel self-confident about not wearing a shirt. (Ignore dirty mirror).
  •  This really pretty flower in front of my house.
  •  Finally learning a new yoga pose! I had no idea it would look so "impressive" on film.
  •   Feeling good and looking good!
  • Friends who will walk up a giant hill with me in a half marathon.
  •  And of course - Beer, sweet & delicious beer.


  1. that yoga pose looks so awesome on film! Your pacesetter skirt is so cute, I love my lulu skirts :)

  2. love the polka dot dress, love the pose (seriously, that looks badass!), and I love the neon compressions socks and that you have multiple pairs. I have one lonely pair....

  3. Oh shit! I totally LOVE grumpy cat! Love X's 500!

  4. That yoga pose is DAMN impressive! I can't even figure out how you got your body to do that! Grumpy cat is my favorite, have you read the story on Buzz Feed about him? You are looking super cute in that dress! I like how all of these sentences I've written are pretty much fragmented.

  5. WOW, you not only master a new yoga pose, you mastered the crow! Awesome!!!

  6. You look great, and your matching mini me is adorable! Keep posting photos, I have no idea why anyone would take issue with that but it's dumb. :)


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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