Thursday, March 7, 2013

Three Things Thursday

1. While I have not had that many GOOD runs lately, I have been sticking to my plan of rebuilding my base. I think it is helping, as I have run longer (and a bit faster) than I have in months. Not to mention, I was NOT that sore after running (WITH ZERO WALK BREAKS) the hilly Little Rock marathon on Sunday. I'd say that is some great progress!! I did speed work (AGAIN!!) for a total of 7.5 miles on Wednesday morning... before work!! I plan on another 7 or so tonight (or tomorrow morning). And a long run of some kind on Sunday. Hopefully outside if we don't end up having a blizzard on Saturday.

2. I finally went to yoga at my gym last night. For the past 18 months or so, I only have been going to yoga at Lululemon. And I LOVE going to yoga there. Different instructors every time means I have yet to be bored at a class. Anyway, going to yoga at my gym reminds me that I do not especially LIKE yoga there. The flow of the class is awkward and the first half always seems crazy easy with the second half filled with random and complicated balance moves that most people are afraid to even try. However, my body felt GREAT after taking the time to do some stretching. I really need to be better about it, I know it makes a huge difference.

3. Planning our race schedule this summer. WOW are there a lot of races in Colorado! I actually had to make a spreadsheet so I could track registration fees and when the price increases are. Average entry fee for a half right now is $54, with five costing less than $40! We have a lot of interesting races coming up that I can't wait to share with you all!

(I have added a NEW prize - which will hopefully sweeten the deal!)


  1. I loooooooove yoga, and I looooooooove how I feel after. I don't know WHY I'm so lazy about it. Especially with a lulu so close to me. LAME.

    You're the best runner ever.

  2. I love yoga too, but for some reason I never seem to get it done. UGH!

  3. That's a great picture of you! I need to be better about doing yoga more often.

  4. Wow, what a great picture. I can not even touch my toes!

  5. I started a spreadsheet back in early December for my 2013 races noting price increase dates and whatnot.
    LOVE a good spreadsheet :)

  6. I was unbelievably impressed and pissed that you can do that pose and then I remembered that you were a gymnastics star so of course you are bendy like gumby. So so jealous. I want to be bendy. I'm sure you would be impressed by my wheel pose... check out my blog if you want a good laugh.

    You look great and I'm wishing it were me.

  7. I WANT to love yoga, but I've taken maybe one class over the last 10 years and I've done a few videos off of youtube. I feel like to attend a class I need to know what I'm doing.

  8. Hey! Great pose! Rebuilding your base is a great strategy. I've been fighting some injuries and I'm doing lots of rebuilding - strength, stretching and foam rolling!

  9. I think with yoga, it's about getting the right teacher and studio - it's a really tough find and I'm glad I started with great teachers like Shilpa and Richard. Did a review of a yoga studio last week -

    Unfortunately I didn't enjoy the class as much as I should be.

  10. great pic of you! i stopped yoga after my hip injury-couldn't get in the positions w/o pain. look forward to getting back to it!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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