Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Worst Blogger Ever

That would be me...
  • In a crazy turn of events, I have actually been... running. Like, not a 3-4 miles here and there. Still sticking to my promise of rebuilding my base and hoping I get some of my strength and speed back. To recap:
    • Weds 3/6 - 7.5 miles ( 7 sets of 800's and other stuff)
    • Thurs 3/7 - 7.0 miles
    • Sat 3/9 - 6.01 miles
    • Sun 3/10 - 9.1 miles
    • Weds 3/13 - 8.12 miles (4 miles "easy", 4.12 @ "MP")
    • That's almost 38 miles... of straight training. What.
  • I've been awfully quiet about it, but in just over a week I am headed back to Moab. I didn't sign up for the 100 this time (THAT would be crazy). Optimistically I am signed up for the 24 hour division, and I plan on taking it easy and enjoying myself. I haven't even started checking the weather yet (although I'm totally going to the SECOND I am done with this blog post).
  • Random yoga again:
  •  Still miserably failing at fundraising. I think I'm tapped out... RAFFLE is still open until May 1... donate if you can.


  1. .....10:55 is a 4:46. Eugene goal?

  2. You are amazing!

    Health food giveaway on my blog :)

  3. Love the Lake Arbor pic! I can see my house LOL!

    Great mileage!

  4. Awesome on the training, and I LOVE the yoga photo. Gorgeous.

  5. you will get the $$. i just know it. seriously try the restaurant/ice cream thing. or a bake sale. ;)

  6. My goodness! If only I could be as flexible as you!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...