Friday, March 1, 2013

February Rewind

All in all, I'd say I had a pretty "decent" month. Ever since I had that epiphany about rebuilding my base, I've really been working at doing a better job of logging more substantial training runs. Shorter runs a bit faster, and adding in runs over 6 miles again. I know, this is not rocket science, and yet... sometimes it seems like I make it just.that.complicated.

Miles - 105.31

Races - 2 half marathons (Super half and Ralston Creek), 1 marathon (IMS AZ)

Current aches - wah. The calves have gotten a lot worse, and I was having (right) hip issues during the last 10k or so of IMS AZ. I've been getting some deep tissue massage and trying to be a lot better about stretching. We'll see if this gets anything better in the long run.

Current goals:
  • So hey, I'm apparently going back to Moab in three short weeks. If I didn't already mention it, I signed up for the 24 hour division. Certainly will be slower and probably more painful than last year since I'm WAY less train for it. Goal is to complete at least 50 miles. Last year I did about 100K (64.5ish) and of course I would like to do more than that, but probably not feasible. I *did* purchase a better headlamp, so hopefully I can move a bit faster in the dark. I'm REALLY excited for it this year - especially since I know a bit better what to expect. 
  • Have a good race on Sunday at Little Rock. My last few marathons have been pretty blah - I'm hoping to get done with this one and be ok. Plus, I'd really love to be in "sub 5" shape for Eugene.
  • I have ZERO half marathons in March (what??).
  • Be more diligent with my training - really do some speed work (I did do 1.5 speed sessions - but I'd like to get that up to once a week.
  • At LEAST one 7-8 mile run (non-racing) a week. After Eugene (end of April) and Big Horn (mid June), I am marathon/ultra-less until probably the end of September. I need to accept the fact that since I am not fast, my strong "base" is what makes me a better and more consistent runner. So yeah.
Current Obsession - You mean, BESIDES INKnBURN (use code BeckaToldMe for 15% off)??? These socks that I just ordered from Pro Compression - use code SOM3 - but if you are on the fence, order NOW, rumor has it they will sell out ASAP.

Don't forget about my raffle!!
(^^ new prizes added!)
ps - I have the Instagram now (squirrelgirl44)


  1. Minus the calf issues, it sounds like breuilding a base has been working well for you?

    You ran 30+ miles more than I did. Winner!

  2. Am also trying to up my mileage...we'll see how it goes. Good luck with MOAB.

  3. Over 100 miles, that is a great month!! Can't wait to see your Little Rock Medal, if it is anything close to last year, it will be AWESOME!!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...