Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Novem-brr Rewind

November Goals (Recap)
  • Continue running twice a week outside racing. SUCCESS! Even though this was my lowest mileage month in forever, I ran all scheduled runs.
  • Try for another PR (of course), but keep both races this month sub 2:10. SUCCESS! Ran my first official sub 2 race in Phoenix for a new PR, and my tough tough TOUGH course in Atlanta was 2:06:32.
  • Start working on Yasso 800s again. Start from ground zero since I haven't done them in over a month. Meh. Not complete success on this, although I did run the Yasso 800s one week and did five sets.
  • Stay healthy. SUCCESS! Minor quad and foot pain but nothing that has keep me from running. Diet was mostly on track.
  • Not running related - GET.A.JOB. :( Still unemployed. SUCCESS SUCCESS!!!  I interviewed for a job the Friday before Thanksgiving and was supposed to hear "soon" - and was discouraged when I didn't hear anything... then I got a call the day before Thanksgiving asking if I was still interested. UM YEAH!! Long story short, I was supposed to go in for two hours of "trial training" and was hired on spot (not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty awesome at what I do). So out of the hundreds of places I applied I got hired at one I *TRULY* wanted, with great pay and close proximity to home. SCORE!!!!
December Goals
  • Continue running twice a week outside racing. Unlike last December, I promise to NOT take two weeks off from exercise. Coming back in January after a 10 day vacation in California was BRUTAL.
  • Try for another PR (of course)... but I have three races in 8 days! I'd love to keep all races sub 2:10, but I think I'll make the goal for VA sub 2:15 (It's day 2 of a back to back weekend and the course profile is INSANE)... Race #1 - Vegas! Race #2 - Thunder Road! Race #3 - Blue & Gray!
  • Start working on Yasso 800s again... at least a few times a month. Gotta do it or I'm not gonna get faster.
  • Stay healthy
I was actually really surprised to total my miles for the month and see such a small number. I guess that's what happens when you "only" run two half marathons in a month. This month I have three on the books with a possible fourth if things work out.

Also planning on running a virtual 10K on Christmas... Also planning on running a "Resolution" 5K. Really hoping I can rope the boyfriend into doing it with me, but that's not looking promising... Also hoping to run at least once more with A before she goes to TX for two weeks to see her dad :(

What do you have planned for the last month of SUPER AWESOME 2010???


  1. Great November! Four halfs in December? Wow, that's a bunch, I love it!

  2. California misses you!!!

    December is my first 10K. I am mildly panicking about that. :D

  3. November was a great month for you, little miss sunshine! :) ;)

    And triple Yay on that job! :)

  4. Sometimes I get pissy with life. Then I remember how awesome you are, Rebecca. You inspire me in so many ways!

  5. So happy for you - congratulations on the job!

  6. Love that you made all the November goals! Also some great goals for December - I might have to steal a few. Good luck on the 3 Halfs back to back!

  7. Dang - November was pretty much AWESOME for you!!

    Have a blast in Vegas. Can't wait to hear about that one. I'm planning on hitting that race next year!

  8. you are the kicker of all things butt!!


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Week in Review (February 18 - February 24)

Tuesday  (13,394 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch - StairMaster and strength training.  As a...