Monday, June 21, 2010

Outdoor Training Run - Big Dry Creek Trail - Sunday, June 20

There were two purposes to today's run. I had my new "heart rate zone" to aim for, thanks to W's analysis of my last race. In addition to trying to keep my heart rate closer to that zone (162 bpm), we really needed to get some mileage in.

I was not too thrilled about heading out for our run. The forecast was upper 80's for the day, and it was about 80 when we headed out. I had filled all four of my water bottles on the fuel belt with ice water, and had grabbed some gels for the halfway mark. Initially I thought we would aim for a 12 mile run, but as we headed out and I was actually doing ok, I figured we would aim for closer to 14...

As often happens, it didn't really work out that way. L got a nasty cramp a few miles in, and with the planned walk breaks to lower the heart rate, it was taking a lot longer. And, we also figured out where the trail ends. (Only a few blocks from my old house). We are about 7 miles in, and decide to stop at Sonic to use the bathroom and get more water, as we have already finished all 40 oz I brought. Took the GU gels (L had vanilla bean and I had the Espresso). Plus a quick phone call to check on Hannah... Our break took a bit more than 10 minutes and I didn't stop the watch so that we could keep an eye on heart rate.

Right as we are heading back out it starts to rain. Not a downpour, so it was kinda nice. But, I think it was messing with my Garmin. It kept defaulting back to the time mode and I struggled to keep it on the training mode so that I could monitor distance and pace. Only rained for 10-15 minutes, then we were left with some sorta humid conditions that were less than ideal. Around the 9/10 mile marker I definitely noticed that I was feeling a little sore and tired, and we slowed the pace even a bit more. We took at least one unplanned walk break on the way back.

Longest training run ever at 13.25 miles:


  1. I love Sonic, and that would have been the end of the road for me.

  2. I also love Sonic. Neither of us carries money on our runs though...


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Week in Review (April 23 to April 29)

Tuesday  (13,393 steps) - Peloton before work and strength training at lunch. The landscapers had been hard at work all day. Crazy how much ...