Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Week in Review (March 11 - March 17)

Tuesday (15,495 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch. Had to do my strength training first because someone was on the StairMaster (there is only ONE of these, so it is really irritating for me when someone else is using it - first world problems). 
Took Olive for a walk when I got home. Handmaid's Tale!
Wednesday (22,265 steps) - Olive walk before going to work. I had a tempo run on schedule that I was honestly dreading. I don't mind intervals, but this was 39 MINUTES LONG!! That's longer than a 5k! The weather was actually nice but I had forgotten my running sunglasses, so I had to wear my backup ones in my desk and they are old, not in style and NOT meant for running. I was messing with them the whole time. So the goal set by my coach was 9:45 pace for the whole time, which looking back makes sense for the time (4 miles if I hit the pace). First walk break actually wasn't for a long time, and it was really just because I was approaching the bridge and thought it was going to be closed (it wasn't, there was a small area for people to still cross).

see what I mean about these ridiculous glasses?!
All in all I think I took maybe 4 short walk breaks and ended up getting relatively close to the paces I was aiming for.
Pretty pleased with how this went. I was expecting it to be soooo much worse. Took Olive for another walk when I got home. Handmaid's Tale! So Ben has been sick allll week (like since the day I went to Mexico) and I finally was starting to feel less than stellar. I guess I'm not invincible after all.
Thursday (11,239 steps) - Woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck. Throat hurting, congested and full body aches. And don't even get me started on my my stomach issues. I messaged my coach that I wasn't feeling well and I was going to be skipping my cross training and run. I took Olive for a long walk at lunch. Another walk after work.
Friday (16,606 steps) - Olive walk before going to work. Work. Home. Olive walk. Still feeling horrific.
Saturday (11,719 steps) - Was supposed to have my longest training run of this block, which I also skipped. Still feeling horrific. Ben and I took Olive to North Table to hike a 5k before we dropped off A's car at school so she could come home for spring break. Ben and I went to Parry's for lunch and then we went home, still exhausted.
Sunday (11,441 steps) - Another run skipped. Still feel horrible. Ben and I took Olive to the dog park where she could walk with us off leash. Very windy. 
4 Noses for a beer and then home. Ariel picked up a pizza for a late lunch/early dinner. Did I mention that we started watching Severance? 
Monday (14,040 steps) - Work from home. Feeling a tiny bit better and since Ariel is home I asked if she would walk Olive so I could attempt a run/walk. It was windy, but the run went better than I expected and with intervals I was faster than if I just ran the whole thing.
I had to go back to the eye doctor because the glasses I got aren't going to work. Initially I thought just "computer" glasses was what I was looking for, but turns out my monitors at home/work aren't the same distance away and it felt like my eyes were straining more. So anyway, I am now getting progressive lenses, which is fancy talk for trifocals apparently. Picked up some tacos for dinner. Severance. 

  • 102,805 steps
  • 10.39 miles run
  • 22.65 miles walked
  • 35 minutes of cardio
  • 30 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 11 - March 17)

Tuesday  (15,495 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch. Had to do my strength training first beca...