Took Olive for a walk when I got home. Handmaid's Tale!
Wednesday (22,265 steps) - Olive walk before going to work. I had a tempo run on schedule that I was honestly dreading. I don't mind intervals, but this was 39 MINUTES LONG!! That's longer than a 5k! The weather was actually nice but I had forgotten my running sunglasses, so I had to wear my backup ones in my desk and they are old, not in style and NOT meant for running. I was messing with them the whole time. So the goal set by my coach was 9:45 pace for the whole time, which looking back makes sense for the time (4 miles if I hit the pace). First walk break actually wasn't for a long time, and it was really just because I was approaching the bridge and thought it was going to be closed (it wasn't, there was a small area for people to still cross).
see what I mean about these ridiculous glasses?! |
Pretty pleased with how this went. I was expecting it to be soooo much worse. Took Olive for another walk when I got home. Handmaid's Tale! So Ben has been sick allll week (like since the day I went to Mexico) and I finally was starting to feel less than stellar. I guess I'm not invincible after all.
Thursday (11,239 steps) - Woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck. Throat hurting, congested and full body aches. And don't even get me started on my my stomach issues. I messaged my coach that I wasn't feeling well and I was going to be skipping my cross training and run. I took Olive for a long walk at lunch. Another walk after work.
Friday (16,606 steps) - Olive walk before going to work. Work. Home. Olive walk. Still feeling horrific.
Saturday (11,719 steps) - Was supposed to have my longest training run of this block, which I also skipped. Still feeling horrific. Ben and I took Olive to North Table to hike a 5k before we dropped off A's car at school so she could come home for spring break. Ben and I went to Parry's for lunch and then we went home, still exhausted.
Sunday (11,441 steps) - Another run skipped. Still feel horrible. Ben and I took Olive to the dog park where she could walk with us off leash. Very windy.
4 Noses for a beer and then home. Ariel picked up a pizza for a late lunch/early dinner. Did I mention that we started watching Severance?
Monday (14,040 steps) - Work from home. Feeling a tiny bit better and since Ariel is home I asked if she would walk Olive so I could attempt a run/walk. It was windy, but the run went better than I expected and with intervals I was faster than if I just ran the whole thing.I had to go back to the eye doctor because the glasses I got aren't going to work. Initially I thought just "computer" glasses was what I was looking for, but turns out my monitors at home/work aren't the same distance away and it felt like my eyes were straining more. So anyway, I am now getting progressive lenses, which is fancy talk for trifocals apparently. Picked up some tacos for dinner. Severance.
- 102,805 steps
- 10.39 miles run
- 22.65 miles walked
- 35 minutes of cardio
- 30 minutes of strength
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