Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Week in Review (December 24 - December 30)

Tuesday (16,641 steps) - Up early to use the rower and walk Olive before going to work in the office. Yes. I had to go into work on Christmas Eve. Which was pointless because NOTHING WAS HAPPENING. I went to the gym at lunch and used the StairMaster (Eiffel Tower again) and did a Pilates video.

At least the office closed early? I had hoped to do some deliveries, but didn't get any offers, so I met Ben at 4 Noses. 
Wednesday (18,924 steps) - Ariel had to work, but we all went to Dunkin to get coffee since they were the only place that was open. Put off my workout (that once again, I was really dreading) until about lunchtime. I had a LONG set of faster repeats. Hit the first and third, but the one in the middle was a bust. I hated this run - A LOT. But like Ben says, running "fast" is sorta my weakness. I can go on and on forever, but I have a hard time running faster and hitting those paces. So I will continue to do this runs even though they suck.
Realized I didn't have any pictures of Bruce Jr. (our tree) and presents this year.
Took Olive for a walk at the lake.
When I got back Ben insisted that I needed to work on the other puzzle I got for Christmas LAST year. He turned on the football game and hours of my life just disappeared. Ariel finally got home from work around dinner time. We had a delicious meal, talked to Ben's mom on the phone and finally opened our gifts. Great haul this year - no pictures of anything though. Took Olive for another walk. Yellowstone?
Thursday (10,944 steps) - Did a 30 minute Peloton ride to start the day. Sadly, I had to "work." Ben and Ariel were both off. At least I was at home? I was covering for Erica's attorneys and hoped it would not be busy. I didn't need to worry. It was NOT BUSY AT ALL. I did end up finishing my Christmas puzzle though - with VERY little help.
Ben and I took Olive for a long walk at lunch on the mud route since it had rained so much. Squeezed in some strength training. Torchy's for dinner and Amanda's second to last shift before she goes on maternity leave. Short walk with Olive and more Yellowstone.
Friday (17,528 steps) - Had hoped to go on the Wash Park walk but they moved it later in the morning "since everyone is off work" - uhhh, not me. Took Olive for a walk and had a very boring day in office because, it's true, just about everyone but me is not working. Stayed home for the evening and took Olive for a walk. Yellowstone!
Saturday (24,386 steps) - Up early so we could be at Terri's house by 8. We had plans to do Bobcat Ridge - a trail area near Fort Collins that I haven't run before. I'm glad I randomly threw an extra layer in my pack because it was overcast and chillier than I expected it to be. In general, I felt overall pretty awful the whole time.

Overall, I'm really glad we went out there, it was beautiful and I think the cooler and gloomy weather kept the crowds away. By the time we got back to the parking lot the sun was coming out and the lot was pretty full. Terri took us to Berthoud Brewing, where she is in the mug club. Beer was meh, the pizza, however, was amazing.
We stopped at Mudrocks on the way home, where Larry met up with us. Secondary stop at 4 Noses to give Alicia her Christmas present. Leftovers & Yellowstone.
Sunday (19,078 steps) - Dragged a bit getting out the door to walk Olive before doing the Rock Creek loop with Ben again. Thankfully, I felt way better than the last time we ran that.
Went to Torchy's for Amanda's last shift. 
Took Olive for another walk and then did a few deliveries. 
Monday (18,550 steps) - Work from home! It was an insanely windy day, so I put off all outdoor activities. Finally took Olive for a walk and then went on my run. The wind chill took like 15 degrees of the air temperature, but happy to be done with it. Not fun.

Did a few deliveries after work, met Ben at 4 Noses. Pizza and Yellowstone.

  • 126,051 steps
  • 25.91 miles run
  • 20.55 miles walked
  • 70 minutes of cardio
  • 40 minutes of strength

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Week in Review (December 17 - December 23)

Tuesday (15,731 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going in to work in the office. Went to the gym at lunch and did the StairMaster - climbing the Petronas. 

Also did some upper body. Took Olive for a walk when I got home. 
Wednesday (27,223 steps) - Olive walk before going to work in the office. I had a workout at lunch, and I thought it would be relatively warm, but since it was cloudy I wore my jacket for most of the run.

I've got a long way to go, but working on the speed...
Headed over to Denver Runners Roost for the "holiday light run" that is usually downtown. It was really good to see so many friends, but it is NOT the same as running around downtown, which I've done every year for at least a decade.

Thursday (13,140 steps) - Work from home. Did my Peloton ride and rowing in the morning. Took Olive for a long walk at lunch and did my strength training (the full body Backstreet Boys class was so fun!) Torchy's for dinner, although A was sad about that because there really wasn't anything that she could eat. Decided to take Olive for a longer holiday light walk in the neighborhood. Some good displays out there!

Friday (10,800 steps) - Random day off work to hang out with A! Took Olive for a walk in the morning. We watched Smile 2 and then we took Olive for another walk, went to lunch and Ariel made Goosie another holiday outfit. Adorable!
Ariel and I met Ben to pick up our Christmas tree - yes, we waited way too long to pick that up. Stopped to get a beer at the tap house on the way home. Another walk with Olive and Ben accidentally had Smile 2 on, so we watched it again...
Saturday (26,444 steps) - Headed up to Boulder for a long run. It was warmish and sunny. Still icy in spots and always feels hard, but a nice day.

Took Olive for a walk.
Shower, and then it was time to take Olive to her grooming appointment. She never wants to go back with them, but she looks so good when she comes out and is always so happy to see us. Had beers at 4 Noses with Terri and Larry while we were waiting for her to be finished.

Sunday (17,220 steps) - Procrastinated getting out for a run. Did some reading, got Dutch Bros. Took Olive for a walk with A. Ben and I had an hour recovery run, so we did the loop around Rock Creek that certainly could've been worse. Saw a bald eagle pretty close up.

4 Noses for a beer and lunch.
Another walk with Olive before more Yellowstone.
Monday (18,346 steps) - Work from home. Went for my run fairly early. It was not horrible!
Took Olive for a walk after that.

Did a delivery after work before meeting Ben for a beer at 4 Noses and picking up more groceries. BTW, stores are horrible to go to this close to Christmas. Yellowstone.

  • 128,904 steps
  • 24.47 miles run
  • 22.15 miles walked
  • 86 minutes of cardio
  • 40 minutes of strength

Week in Review (February 18 - February 24)

Tuesday  (13,394 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch - StairMaster and strength training.  As a...