Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Week in Review (May 14 - May 20)

Tuesday (12,837 steps) - Peloton ride before work. I was about 40 minutes into a 45 minute ride when our internet went out. Totally forgot Xfinity was doing work on the lines. So that was annoying. I had to use my phone as a hotspot for work, which was PAINFULLY slow. Ben and I took Olive for a walk at lunch and in the afternoon I did an arms video. Ariel had her awards night at the school. Didn't get wonderful pictures, but she got an award in Biliteracy, for lettering all 4 years and in cross country and also for graduating with honors.

Olive decided she wanted to be in Ariel's pictures at home with her awards.
Wednesday (21,935 steps) - Ben and Ariel really did a great job of finishing up the yard! They moved 7 YARDS of mulch (and laid all the fabric). We hadn't been planning on doing it under the camper, but we had enough, so we did it. (And by we, I mean them).

I had logged in to work insanely early because I had lots of NON-work related things to get done. I knew running over the weekend wasn't likely to happen with graduation and visitors, but convinced Ben that we should go to Boulder to do a hill workout. In my head, I figured it would be about as steep as when I do repeats on Dino Ridge. Spoiler - it is about 3% grade steeper! It was a beautiful day, but fairly warm.
Five repeats of five minutes running up (and I only walked during one repeat, which I really beat myself up over, but when I saw how much steeper it was later, I felt better about it). 
We left right from Boulder to go to the airport to pick up Lisa - who landed early but wasn't mad that we were a bit late getting there. We stopped at Parry's on the way back to the house so we could get some lunch. Did more work, went for a walk and finally saw our first owl of the year!
After work we went to Target so we could get some wrapping paper and a graduation card for Ariel. She met us all at Salsa's for dinner. We picked a movie to watch, but I fell asleep during it.
Thursday (11,421 steps) - HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION DAY?! We all got up early so we could shower and get dressed. Doesn't A look Amazing?
The graduation was at the same place as my high school graduation TWENTY-EIGHT years ago, but unlike mine, it was sunny and HOT.
Thankfully it was at 9:00 am, and not late afternoon, we were all SO HOT. The ceremony itself lasted over an hour and a half, although reading all the names only took maybe 20-30 minutes. The rest was all speeches and such. It was a zoo trying to get pictures afterwards - they came out pretty good.

Ariel stuck around to socialize with her friends and take pictures. We went to pick up our special keg of Juicy Bits!
We then went to IHOP (Ariel's choice) and had a late breakfast with her and her friends. It was a lot of fun, she has really great friends.
Took Olive for a long walk when we got back. We went to Torchy's for dinner since Amanda and Tyler were working. Olive got another walk when we got back home.
Friday (15,509 steps) - Up relatively early because we had plans to go hiking in Boulder. Ariel invited Aliya to come with us (more of a bribe to see if we could actually get her to hang out with us again, haha). Beautiful day, but warm! Olive was happy she got to go too!

We went back to Parry's for lunch and sat out on the patio so Olive could join us. We went to Costco so that we could pick up Ariel's cake. Later in the evening Ben had to drive to Pete's house to pick up tables and canopies for Ariel's party and we made dinner since we had been eating out so much.  
Saturday (15,232 steps) - Up early to shower and get dressed for Ariel's party! First order of the day was to go to Dutch Bros. for coffee.
We spent the next few hours walking Olive, cleaning the house, blowing up balloons and hanging up banners. Ariel and Aliya went to pick up the food and the party began!

We had people over from noon until... oh, probably 8-9 pm. Ariel's friends, our mutual running friends and other friends we have maintained over the years. It was really a great day - which is probably most obvious by the fact that I barely have any pictures of me and Ariel, and ZERO pictures of guests/friends. Can't believe high school is officially over! Oh. And it was my birthday also. A few friends brought me cards, but this day was really for Ariel.
Sunday (24,550 steps) - After partying for days, we had to get up early and actually do something. I had a few hours on schedule and neither of us felt like actually RUNNING, so we went to Boulder for an adventure day. It was pretty warm, but we got in a good workout and neither of us passed out.

We debated stopping to get a beer but decided to skip. We took Olive for a walk, took a shower and stopped in at Madi's graduation party. Madi and Ariel were in the same Girl Scout troop for over 10 years so I felt we needed to go even though Ariel was working all day. 
Monday (18,983 steps) - Work from home. We were expecting our new washer and dryer, so I was stuck at home until that happened. Ben stayed at home so I could walk Olive in case we ended up with the later time frame. They actually showed up around noon and got everything set up pretty quickly. I  may be dorky, but I love new appliances! They look nice!
I had a workout on schedule, so Ben and I went for a run. It was pretty warm when we started but thankfully the clouds came out for the back half. I also managed to hit (I think my fastest pace) during the run!!! 
We were hungry, so we went to Torchy's to grab lunch since Ariel and Amanda were working.
Did some deliveries after work. Ben's former co-worker and wife stopped by and we had leftover graduation food for dinner. Killing Eve.

  • 120,467 steps
  • 21.25 miles run
  • 16.31 miles walk/hike
  • 45 minutes of cardio
  • 10 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (January 21 - January 27)

Tuesday  (14,378 steps) - Peloton ride and walked Olive before work. I wore the new scarf that Ben's mom made for me and it was nice and...