Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Week in Review (April 30 to May 6)

Tuesday (17,627 steps) - Peloton ride before working in the office. Did my strength training after lunch. Left right after work to go to A's soccer game.
Dinner and Killing Eve.
Wednesday (23,702 steps) - Work in the office. After work headed to Bear Creek for my run. I was hoping I had dressed warm enough and that it wouldn't rain. Thankfully, the weather was fine and I actually had a pretty good run.

Headed to the NAAC for yet another soccer game - this one didn't start until 7 pm!!
Dinner and Killing Eve (so late!!)
Thursday (23,641 steps) - Up early to do my run first thing, which I hate doing these days. The run itself was fine I GUESS, I just hate running first thing. As A said, at least it wasn't a million degrees out.

A and I got coffee, met with the electrician (who FINALLY fixed the switch in our bedroom!) and got another truckload of rock delivered. The guy that was supposed to give us a quote on the weed pulling was a no show. Took Olive for a walk.
Weed guy finally came by after lunch, I didn't like him and won't reach back out to him. Did a little bit of driving, but it was slow.
Friday (20,961 steps) - Work in the office. We had an early release at 3 because the building was doing a power outage. I took Olive for a walk, did a few deliveries until I met Ben at Parry's for a beer before going to A's last soccer game (another 7 pm start).
This was probably the second best that they have played, but still lost. We went to Torchy's on the way home for dinner. 
Saturday (32,134 steps) - We had plans to meet up with Larry, Terri and Kristin at 9. The trail head we wanted to meet at was full, as was the one across the street, so we met up at the free lot in Boulder. Not where I wanted to start my long run! I feel REALLY crappy the first few miles of the run because my stomach was off, but I thankfully felt better after stopping to use the bathroom.
We ended up having to do three miles just to get to the trails we wanted to run. 

Kristin had a time limit and Terri decided to join her for the smaller loop. It really has been a long time since I worked on my climbing and after Southern States and a few weeks of getting back into training - this was hard! 

Grateful that it stayed overcast, it would have been really warm if the sun had come out earlier. 

The sun DID come out for our last three miles. Thankfully it's an optical illusion net downhill, and it didn't suck as much as the first three. We didn't have a ton of time, but went to 4 Noses for a beer. We headed home so I could walk Olive and we could all head down to Lakewood for Mo's Boston marathon completion party.

Did a bit more yardwork before it got too dark, Killing Eve.
Sunday (24,437 steps) - It wasn't windy when we got up, so we reluctantly did our run first thing. Took Olive for a walk, went to Home Depot and then had a snack at Torchy's before going home for MORE yardwork. (Have I mentioned how much I hate yardwork??) Olive had another grooming appointment, so we went to 4 Noses while we waited. 
Doesn't she look cute?
More yardwork and filling up the bagster we had picked up at Home Depot. I really cannot wait for all this to be done. Sick of it.
Monday (11,970 steps) - Work from home. It was incredibly windy, so I skipped my planned run and just took Olive for a long walk - even THAT was miserable. Did some driving, took Olive for another walk, dinner and Killing Eve.

  • 154,472 steps
  • 31.24 miles run
  • 21.71 miles walked
  • 45 minutes of cardio
  • 45 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...