Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Week in Review (August 29 - September 4)

Tuesday (10,096 steps) - Another bonus work from home day! Ariel and I made a trip to Dutch Bros. for coffee. Yummmm - this was German Chocolate.
Got all unpacked, laundry done, some cleaning, grocery shopping, took Olive for a walk, etc. Super productive. 
By the afternoon, I was wilting. I worked from bed for a bit, and the animals were appreciative. 
Watched more episodes of Beef. Kinda sad it'll be done after 10 episodes :(
Wednesday (15,655 steps) - Work in the office. The building fitness center is closed for maintenance, so I walked to REI at lunch for steps/something to do. Holy moly, it was hot. I didn't buy anything, so that was good. Ben stopped by after he got off work and we took Olive for a walk. Pretty night.

Thursday (11,448 steps) - Work from home. Took Olive for a walk at lunch. Met Ben for a beer.
Friday (18,871 steps) - Coffee and Wash Park. Went to work for a few hours but left at lunch to finish out the day at home. Took Olive for a walk.
Our office closed early for the long weekend, and I drove up to Broomfield for A's first "real" meet of the season. Kristin came to spectate, and we were able to spot her a few times on course. She looked very happy one mile in.
The course had changed from the last time we were there and I couldn't see her again until right before she finished. A new PR for her, running in 22:01!! (I can't even fathom).
Girls varsity team
Met Ben at 4 Noses, but we were underwhelmed by the beer selection, so we went over to the Tap House. It was ok, but they didn't have what we wanted either. Since we were there we ordered takeout from the small Mexican restaurant nearby. A bit of an expensive evening.
Saturday (11,143 steps) - Ariel had her fundraising run at the school, and I opted to run there with Olive. First "run" since Oregon and it didn't feel great, that's for sure. It took just under 20 minutes, but I found a fairly direct way to get there and got there right as they were starting. Ben met me there and brought us coffee and donuts. Watching other people run is definitely better than running yourself...
Went to the house, took Olive for a walk. Then we did some yardwork (mowed the lawn, pulled more weeds). Went to Torchy's for some food, then to the nursery to pick up some flowers and seeds. So productive! Can't recall what else we did, but had a movie night later.
Sunday (10,475 steps) - Plans to do nothing, but went to get coffee with A. Unfortunately, as we were leaving (we took separate cars so she could go right to work), her car wouldn't start. UGH. Exactly like last time back in May. I took her to work, then took Olive for a walk while I waited for Ben.
He had a plan to troubleshoot the car, this is the error we were getting and figured it could be any number of things.
We met at Torchy's for some food before we started our big plan of figuring out what to do with her car. Decided to change the spark plugs since that seemed the "easiest" to do. Of course we had to go and get all the supplies and specialty tools. Many stores later, we finally had what we thought we needed, including a very specific size deep socket. And after all that, the socket ended up getting stuck when trying to remove the first spark plug.
Gave up for the night. It WAS Ben's birthday, so I talked him into a beer, and then we invited Tyler over, which was a lot of fun.
Monday (18,565 steps) - Day off for Labor Day, but lots of stuff to do. I had my first training run scheduled, so Ben and I headed to the lake for 5 miles. Ickkkk.... it was pretty warm and I did NOT feel great. Compounded by running into Kevin and him asking if he could join in for a few miles. I probably ran faster than I should have with him there, but I got through it. Took Olive for  walk before picking up coffee and scheduling the tow truck to get the car to the shop. 
Poor Lucy :(
After the car was dropped off, Ariel and I ran some errands, which included picking up this adorable Halloween costume for Olive. She actually really enjoys it, haha.
The whole weekend seemed really draining, and I had a headache most of the day, so I went to bed very early. How is a long weekend seemingly shorter than a regular weekend?

  • 96,253 steps
  • 6.3 miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength

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