Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Week in Review (September 19 - September 25)

Tuesday (11,998 steps) - Peloton ride before work. Work in the office, cross training at lunch. We took Olive to 4 Noses so Hannah could see her costume. It ended up pouring rain and was fairly chilly.

Wednesday (21,340 steps) - Work in the office. Went for a walk at lunch. After work I headed to Bear Creek. I had a trail run that was supposed to be done on rollers, and this was the best I could come up with. Was not optimistic about this at all, as I also had 2x10 minutes "fast" to do. I remembered that there used to be the Lakewood Trail Series, and created a route that ended up being "mostly" the same. The weather was actually much better than I thought it would be, and while there were a lot of bikes, it wasn't that bad. Pleased that I only walked about 3 minutes total, and hit about 95% of my paces. Woo!

Thursday (19,059 steps) - Work from home. I had a short, easy run on schedule. Olive seemed really excited to run, and I fell for it!
After the first 2/3 of a mile she basically refused to run. I nixed the idea of running with her, and turned our "run" into a walk, with a couple of jogging intervals in. THEN, I went for my run, and it was much less stressful. Work was slow, which is good since I hadn't really started packing for our camping trip yet. The mail came and I got some of my new shorts!!
I have worn 99% skirts for many years, and only recently (maybe in the last year or so?) have started wearing shorts more often. Later in the afternoon I was hearing a lot of barking and activity outside (I keep the windows open). I kept looking outside and not seeing anything. Finally I went down to investigate and saw this:
Long story short, a couple of neighboring dogs CHEWED THROUGH THE FENCE, DUG A HOLE AND BROKE IN. I saw the damaged boards and guessed which house it was. I was coming inside to decide what to do when the big dog barged past me into the house!! Luckily he did not bite me when I leashed him up to walk him home. No one answer (even though I knocked and rang the bell....) so I had to walk "Charlie" back home. I walked him back through the house, and by the time I went back outside, the neighbor was already starting to repair the fence. So weird that he didn't JUST ANSWER THE DOOR...
Friday (34,840 steps) - I had taken the day off for a long weekend. I woke up late and regretted it. I had a long run to do and it was gonna be hot. I had planned what I thought would be mostly trail in Louisville. Spoiler, I think it was at least half paved. Also, 2/3 of the climbing was in the back half. I did "ok" the first part, the last couple miles were really pretty miserable. 

I stopped to get a protein shake from Ziggi's and then took Olive on a (very slow) walk. I desperately needed to finish packing for our camping weekend, and got a lot of it done in a pretty short period of time. By the time Ben got home, our goal was for him to pack and get out the door by 7:45, which we managed to do. Stopped at 4 Noses for a beer before stopping at Safeway to pick up dinner.
We weren't camping at our usual campground since they didn't have any spots, but it was a place Ariel and I had camped years ago. Opted to skip a campfire since it was already late.
Saturday (17,106 steps) - It was a cold night, but a nice, sunny way. 
We decided to go to brunch at Butterhorn since we weren't planning on running. 

Activity for the day was leaf peeping on the Ten Mile Range trail (same as two years ago). The colors weren't "quite" prime, but it was a nice day and not too crowded. 

Olive really enjoyed being able to play in the water. If she ever learns how to listen better (ie, know her name or how to respond to "come") maybe she can be off leash and really have some fun!

We went further up the trail than we have before and I finally called it to turn around because it was getting pretty muddy.

Sure enough, Olive was pretty lethargic and slow by the last mile back. We stopped at Outer Range and then picked up food to make for dinner. Olive had a fun night hanging out at the campground.

Sunday (21,667 steps) - Unfortunately, we had to do a workout/run. I felt like complete garbage. One of the worst runs I have had in a while.

I had a specific "faster" pace that did NOT happen, but we got the strides done, and the back half was better than the first half, so there's that. SO HAPPY to be done. We went to Whole Foods for pizza and then Outer Range to charge Ben's laptop and to have a beer. Decided to drive up to Argentine Pass. The road was much sketchier than either of us remembered. 

We only walked around for about 20 minutes because the drive had taken longer than we expected, plus it was already starting to get dark! Headed back to the campground.
Another night of hot dogs and a campfire before watching another episode of Homeland. 
Monday (14,064 steps) - Got up, had coffee and started to pack up so we could head out of town. By the time we went to the carwash and got gas, Outer Range had opened, so we stopped for a breakfast burrito and one beer. Olive has really made herself at home here.
It was a nice, easy drive home. We made the decision to stop at Parry's on the way home since Juicy Bits is back on tap. They are doing a lot of work in the parking lot and it was basically a nightmare getting Shelly in there. Headed home and unloaded/unpacked. Still had my "easy run" to do. What a disaster, we really should have gone earlier. Either way, the miles were faster since Ben was with me and he set the pace. It actually wasn't as bad as I feared it would be. Showered and then headed to Hoffbrau for our anniversary dinner. A met us there later - new Monday night dinner routine? More Homeland. 

  • 140,074 steps
  • 37.46 miles run
  • 50 minutes of cardio
  • 25 minutes of strength

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Week in Review (September 12 - September 18)

Tuesday (10,379 steps) - Peloton before work. Ended up doing two videos, which put me running a bit late to work. Work in the office, with more cross training at lunch. Took Olive for a walk after work. Ben and I went to 4 Noses.
Wednesday (16,334 steps) - Work in the office. After work I headed to Boulder for more "hill beasts." Felt good on the lower trails/warm up & the hills repeats bamboozled me. 

Thursday (21,629 steps) - Work from home.  Run in the morning and walk with Olive at lunch. They are putting crusher fine on the neighborhood path to the lake, which was "exciting."
Friday (13,717 steps) - Work in the office. Due to rain, our normal Wash Park walk was cancelled. Ariel called me at lunch to tell me that Olive had an "accident" on their walk, so I rushed home after work to give her a bath. Poor thing has diarrhea after getting into things she shouldn't be getting into.
Saturday (26,771 steps) - Short walk with Olive before Ben and I went to Rock Creek for our run. It started out ok - it was supposed to be a progression run. By mile 3-4 I was ready to die. I did manage to hit some paces on the way back, but this was not fun at all. We got Ziggi's on the way home.
Also stopped for a beer and took Olive for a walk before going to Larry's birthday party in the evening. It was a lot of fun!
Sunday (13,873 steps) - Only had a few miles on schedule, so we took Olive with us. She did great for about a mile, then seemed very uninterested in running. It was basically like dragging a tire most of the run. Went to Torchy's for lunch then did a lot of yard work, which resulted in me getting a zillion mosquito bites. Again.
Monday (16,366 steps) - Work from home. Easy run early, took Olive for a walk. After Ben got home we decided to go to Hoffbrau. They were doing some food specials for Monday Night Football, so we had Ariel meet us there. Her and Ben played some pool - it was a fun evening!

  • 119,069 steps
  • 27.21 miles run
  • 50 minutes of cardio
  • 25 minutes of strength

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Week in Review (September 5 - September 11)

Tuesday (12,896 steps) - I had planned to work from home the whole day, so I did my ride a little later than usual.
I ended up having to go into the office for a few hours to get some stuff done, but still better than early morning rush hour and being there all day. Finally heard from the shop about A's car - a new fuel pump and relay, but they didn't have the parts, so her car was going to be in the shop for a while. Sigh. Took Olive for a late night walk and she just loves her bee costume!
Plus, it was a REALLY pretty sunset.

Wednesday (18,324 steps) - Work in the office. For the first weekday in a long time, I had to arrange for a dog walker since A wouldn't have a car to get home at lunch. After work I did my run at Rock Creek and it was mildly awful. I had a "hill" run on schedule but according to Greg, "nothing crazy" - it was hot and I actually had to walk a bit mid run, which I haven't had to do in ages (but to be fair, it was the hilly part). Plus, my heart rate was pretty high. Met Ben for a beer then walked Olive. Another pretty sunset!
Thursday (18,848 steps) - Work from home. Had what should have been an easy run with strides. Definitely did not feel "easy," but I got it done. Just checking the box on this one.
Took Olive for a walk at lunch.

Who knows what else?
Friday (10,656 steps) - Had to skip Wash Park since A's car was STILL in the shop. Went to work in the office, but headed out at lunch time to finish the day at home because A had a doctor's appointment AND I didn't have a dog walker available for Olive. Thankfully, I got the call shortly before getting off work that A's car was ready to be picked up. Bill was "only" $1,300, so I guess it could have been worse. Ugh.
Saturday (24,719 steps) - A and I were up before the crack of dawn to head down to Littleton for her XC race. I had switched my Saturday and Sunday runs and only had 3 miles to do. So, I did what any normal person would do, I ran the same course that A would be racing. Definitely think I was the slowest person to run it that day, haha.
Ben came down to spectate and A had a great race, edging out a new PR! 

Ben and I stopped at Dutch Bros. on the way home. We took Olive for a walk. I have no recollection of what else happened, but I did meet up with Ben for dinner at Torchy's. 
Sunday (30,364 steps) - Had my long run on schedule, and since I've been struggling a bit with recovery, was going to hike/run the loop I like in Boulder. We FINALLY have had a break in the temperatures and it was quite the pleasant morning.

Stopped for a beer on the way home before walking Olive. Then it was a trip to Costco and a late lunch/early dinner at Torchy's (yes, again). We watched a movie.
Monday (19,401 steps) - Work from home. Went for a run that (FINALLY) felt easy, took Olive for a walk. I had a dentist appointment in the afternoon and met Ben at New Terrain.
Made dinner and took Olive for a walk (in her bee costume again). Started watching Homeland, because it's been a while since I've been able to obsess about a "new" show.

  • 135,208 steps
  • 27.78 miles run
  • 30 minutes of cardio
  • 10 minutes of strength

Week in Review (March 11 - March 17)

Tuesday  (15,495 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch. Had to do my strength training first beca...