Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Weeks in Review (April 25 - May 8)

Since I got behind with racing, I'm combining two weeks. I can barely remember anything anyway.

Tuesday 25th (11,395 steps) - Work in the office. Did a 20 minute upper body workout at lunch, and then walked on the treadmill and read more of my book. Working on packing - proving to be a nightmare.
With the course finally being finalized, I went through and made my miniature segment charts.
No idea what else. 
Wednesday 26th (11,570 steps) - Work in the office. Administrative Professional day! Got a gift card from the executive committee and they catered in a very nice lunch for us.

Headed up to Boulder with Olive after work because it was supposedly Sandy's last run club. She wasn't there, though. We had a nice walk around the lake though!
Thursday 27th (16,018 steps) - Work from home. Walk with Olive at lunch. Finally got all my drop bags ready to go! I took pictures of all of them, since I can never remember what I put in them.
Took Olive to Belmar and did some "running" but since it was just us, she wasn't super motivated. We did see horses though, which she found super interesting.
Friday 28th (11,565 steps) - Wash Park and coffee with the gang. Work in the office. Met Ben for a beer and was able to have a flight of Micheladas that was delicious.
Saturday 29th (15,041 steps) - A had (what she thought would be) her last meet of the season. Headed down to the stadium and got to watch her run. 

I had a 30 minute run on schedule, and I mapped out a route to do between events. The run was fine, although what I picked ended up having to be run on the shoulder as there were no sidewalks. It all worked out. Took Olive for a walk when I got home. Finished/finalized packing.
Sunday 30th (14,843 steps) - Up early for our flight! Ben took a Lyft to the house and Ariel drove us (what a kid, getting up at 5 am to do this!) Our flight was uneventful. I watched "The Whale" and it was a bit disappointing. No issues with our rental car, thankfully. We were both hungry, so I found a hole in the wall Mexican place and we got breakfast. 
I still had a walk on schedule, so I found a park/hill for us to get a walk in - and maybe some heat acclimation, since it was SO HOT. I was glad I had changed out of my flip flops, Ben was in his Crocs and didn't have a great time.
We went to Front Pourch for a beer and then went to the start to check in for the race and get my bib. 

Photo Cred: Scott Rokis
Checked in to the hotel and then went to Bobby Q's for dinner - and it was delicious! Stopped at the store for groceries. Actually went to bed early, but didn't end up sleeping great.
Monday 1st (114,001 steps) - Cocodona 250

  • 194,433 steps
  • 54+miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • minutes of strength
Tuesday 2nd (122,394 steps) - Cocodona 250
Wednesday 3rd (110,548 steps) - Cocodona 250
Thursday 4th (104,898 steps) - Cocodona 250
Friday 5th (112,441 steps) - Cocodona 250
Saturday 6th (44,754 steps) - Cocodona 250. Well, we did it! 
Thankfully, we had booked at the Marriott right down the street. We found our drop bags and figured since it was still early morning and everyone was done, we would have some breakfast and shower, etc. We didn't bother cleaning up before heading to the buffet, which was pretty good. After showering, we made the mistake of "resting our eyes" and the next thing we knew it was hours later. We decided to go to the brewery for our post race celebrations. 
There was more napping, attempts at watching "Naked and Afraid," and dinner. 

Otherwise, who knows.
Sunday 7th (10,585 steps) - Somehow the morning got away from us. Between packing everything up, walking to get the most delicious smoothie ever, having breakfast, etc., before we knew it, it was time to drive back down to Phoenix so we could return the rental car and catch our flight. I had found a good brewery near-ish the airport. 

We also were able to get food from next door, so that was nice. Our flight was delayed a bit, but Ben upgraded and we got a seat in the 4th row. I think I watched Pitch Perfect again. Tyler picked us up at the airport, what a great friend!
Monday 8th (12,347 steps) - Work from home. I was trying to dig my way out after being out for a week, and also covering for Nicole. It was a CRAZY work day. Took Olive for a walk at lunch. Weather was nice enough to go to the lake, and she likes looking at ducks.
Unpacked, did laundry. Not sure of what else.

  • 517,967 steps
  • 211 miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength

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