Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Week in Review (April 7 - April 13)

Tuesday (27,088 steps) - Warm day. Went for a 6.5ish mile run on the south trails after work. Way too many people and it was frustrating to move the buff on and off my face.

Wednesday (26,268 steps) - Another warm day. Opted to run north (even though I don't really like way) to mix things up a bit. Not a super great run, and came back on the bike path. Manged to run with the buff over my face the whole time and it was awful, I thought I was going to die.

Trivia with Greg, last place. Again.
Thursday (17,873 steps) - Rest day! Walks with Pika and a trip to the grocery store.

I literally go nowhere.
We managed to get a weird family picture (it was sent to Phil for a video birthday).
Best part of the evening was watching Ben take two hours to cut his hair, hahaha
Friday (26,820 steps) - Work from home.
Normally a rest day, but I figured I would run the RMRR virtual 4 miler. Ran intervals again, and it wasn't as great as I hoped it would be.

Saturday (33,705 steps) - Long run! I even found $2 on a busy trail section. Probably the most exciting thing to date in quarantine. No one takes cash anymore, so I'll probably use as a tip sometime.

Support small business Saturday was wings from CD's and beer from New Image. More walking...

Sunday (12,687 steps) - Pika walks. A bunch of us from Belmar got on a Zoom call and played Mexican Bingo - which is actually a ton of fun.
Monday (17,167 steps) - Work from home is getting interesting...
Snowy Pika walks, and I even did a 10 minute upper body video!

  • 161,608 steps
  • 27.3 miles run

1 comment:

  1. Haha, the self haircut! I did my own, too, but...I have actually never been to a hairdresser. I always cut my own hair!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (February 25 - March 3)

Tuesday  (15,764 steps) - Peloton and walked Olive before going to work in the office. StairMaster and a strength training at lunch. Took Ol...