Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Week in Review (April 21 - April 27)

Tuesday (33,392 steps) - Work from home. A pretty long after work run of over 9 miles. Didn't intend to go that far, just kinda happened.

I think my favorite of all the rocks I have seen!
Itty bitty baby bunny!
Tried a new collaboration beer from 4 Noses/New Image and it was delicious! Not one I'll have with any regularity, partly because it was small batch, and also... 14%!!
Wednesday (28,468 steps) - Work from home. Ran "Tyler's loop" - another blissfully overcast day.

Thursday (14,958 steps) - Work from home. Rest day from running, but took Pika on walks.

Friday (18,522 steps) - First day of being back in the office since the last day I worked - March 13. It was definitely a little weird being there. Office is operating at just essential employees, so maybe 10-15 people (out of about 200). I was only in long enough to get all my "mandatory" work done, about a half day.
Look at all the filing that piled up...
With it being Friday, we journeyed to 4 Noses. Ben let me get a slushie, and it was my first time seeing one of the Colorado "alcohol to go" labels.
We finally got our save the dates in the mail!!! Very exciting stuff, and we spent a good portion of the evening working on our guest list and addressing them.
Yet another Pika walk.
Quarantine is going well enough that we are still doing things together as a family and not wanted to murder each other. So that's nice.
Saturday (45,541 steps) - Slept in much later than I used to on a weekend. Managed to get out around lunch time, and created a pretty big non-repetitive loop for the longest run I've done in a while.
My stomach was feeling a bit off, so was grateful for the bathroom at one of the trailheads. And it was a bizarre coincidence that when I came out, I recognized someone! I hadn't seen Ruth in ages, we talked for a few minutes and got a selfie together before I headed out for the rest of my miles.

Support small business Saturday was another visit to New Image brewing, and ALSO, we hit up the bakery in Olde Town, yuuuuum!
Sunday (22,484 steps) - Slept late. Was on the fence about running. Eventually decided to head out for a short run before our weekly gaming with Belmar folks. The run itself wasn't super spectacular, but for the first time I ran all the way up the big hill. Small victories!

Monday (24,006 steps) - Work from home. Pika walks!

  • 187,371 steps
  • 36.6 miles run

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Week in Review (April 14 - April 20)

Tuesday (23,211 steps) - Work from home and another chilly day. I think everyone is getting pretty tired of being locked up. Ran a pretty crappy four miles.

Wednesday (22,999 steps) - Another "just under 5" mile run. Blah.

Thursday (12,524 steps) - More. Freaking. Snow. I think that is the one good thing about quarantine and working from home. At least I don't have to drive in this crap.

Finally got the shirt that I ordered a month ago. Wow, the mail sure is even slower than usual with this quarantine nonsense.
Friday (13,014 steps) - Work from home. Walking Pika.
Saturday (29,660 steps) - Long, but not really that long, long run. Opted for Big Dry Creek, even though I am so so so so tired of running that. (Even though I haven't run it with any reguarlity for a long time. Maybe it's PTSD).
Yanny the Yak is missing :(

Ariel went for a run while Ben and I were walking Pika, and we got some pretty cool pictures of her on the shoreline. 
Sunday (21,908 steps) - Ben and I ran a really crappy short 3.5ish mile run. Blah. Worst I've felt all quarantine. Another Zoom Mexican Bingo!
More Pika...

Monday (19,509 steps) - Work from home and walking...

  • 142,825 steps
  • 19.5 miles run

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Week in Review (April 7 - April 13)

Tuesday (27,088 steps) - Warm day. Went for a 6.5ish mile run on the south trails after work. Way too many people and it was frustrating to move the buff on and off my face.

Wednesday (26,268 steps) - Another warm day. Opted to run north (even though I don't really like way) to mix things up a bit. Not a super great run, and came back on the bike path. Manged to run with the buff over my face the whole time and it was awful, I thought I was going to die.

Trivia with Greg, last place. Again.
Thursday (17,873 steps) - Rest day! Walks with Pika and a trip to the grocery store.

I literally go nowhere.
We managed to get a weird family picture (it was sent to Phil for a video birthday).
Best part of the evening was watching Ben take two hours to cut his hair, hahaha
Friday (26,820 steps) - Work from home.
Normally a rest day, but I figured I would run the RMRR virtual 4 miler. Ran intervals again, and it wasn't as great as I hoped it would be.

Saturday (33,705 steps) - Long run! I even found $2 on a busy trail section. Probably the most exciting thing to date in quarantine. No one takes cash anymore, so I'll probably use as a tip sometime.

Support small business Saturday was wings from CD's and beer from New Image. More walking...

Sunday (12,687 steps) - Pika walks. A bunch of us from Belmar got on a Zoom call and played Mexican Bingo - which is actually a ton of fun.
Monday (17,167 steps) - Work from home is getting interesting...
Snowy Pika walks, and I even did a 10 minute upper body video!

  • 161,608 steps
  • 27.3 miles run

Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...