Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Week in Review (February 13 - February 19)

Tuesday (13,424 steps) - Barre with Kelly. Sloan's Lake Tap & Burger run club! Ran one big loop with Dulce and Zach. Managed to not stay out too late. Went to Target for a stock-up trip, it's always terrible to spend a few hundred bucks on things like laundry detergent and toothbrush head replacements.
Wednesday (20,788 steps) - Boulder Roost run club! BARELY made it there in time, and Kristin came, so we all ran "together."
Another new route that had some incredibly icy sections. Overall, a pretty great run!
Instead of a regular raffle, there were "couples" contests. The first one (no picture) was backs against each other and lowering to a squat. I did that one, but my partner quit early. A and JT had a great time doing the alternating push up and sit-up challenges. 

We went to Under the Sun again, and A had a semi-ok night selling cookies. (Will be glad when this is all over!)
Thursday (12,449 steps) - A had a Scout thing after school, so I got my run in closer to home at Berkeley Park (since I wasn't sure when she was going to be done). Pretty "speedy" 3 miles for me. Socialized a bit with the gang before heading home.
Friday (7,277 steps) - Barre with Sasha. After work it was dinner and packing. The gal who bought my snowboard showed up around 7:30 and seemed pleased with the purchase. Also, my furnace seems to be going out, so I spent some time troubleshooting, although not much I could do right before we were heading out of town (figures, right?).
Saturday (8,478 steps) - With the change in our flight schedule we didn't have to get up super early to go to the airport. Everything was easy peazy and our flight left close to on time. A had downloaded some movies and we watched The Money Pit during the flight. Heather picked us up and we headed to the expo downtown. First though, we stopped at Whataburger for lunch! After the expo we headed to Heather's house. Lisa picked up A to spend the night at her house. Meanwhile, we went to Hurricane's for dinner, and it was the most delicious ever. Unsure if this was ideal pre-race food or not.
Sunday (27,591 steps) - Austin half marathon!
We stopped to get coffee on the way home (because it was soooo cold outside). I got a red velvet latte from Cuppa Austin, and it was delicious. Afternoon was spent watching the Olympics. Around 6, Lisa picked me up so we could have dinner together. Her, my niece and A made chicken fajitas and a pumpkin bundt cake. Was delicious! She dropped me and A off around 9 back at Heather's. Only made it about an hour before I headed to bed. Exhausted.
Monday (6,891 steps) - Slept until some crazy hour like 9. We went to Jim's for breakfast (omg, was that delicious).
Then, we walked around Brushy Creek for a bit.
It was super windy though, so we ended up spending the remainder of our time... watching more Olympics! Chili's for dinner on the way to the airport. Through security in record time (like 8 minutes). Flight into Denver was uneventful (delayed, but we landed roughly the same time as our original schedule). THEN, we had to brave the snow that had hit. It was probably close to 10 before we got dropped off at the car (maybe later), and the roads were crap. Didn't get home until about 11:30. Waaaaay late.

  • 96,898 steps
  • 27.1 miles run
  • 2 barre classes

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...