Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Week in Review (March 28 - April 3)

Tuesday (24,170 steps) - 4:30 wake up for speed work with Runners Edge, and for the first time, it was going to be on a track! I have to admit that I was TERRIFIED for this workout. I *used* to do speed work years ago, but it was always on the treadmill. I was not looking forward to seeing how slow my pace would be in comparison.

After a few weeks of warm weather it was a little colder, with rain in the forecast. I was wearing a tech tee and my Ultimate Direction jacket, which ended up working great. We did a 20 minute warm up (at about an 11:30 pace) on the dirt in Cherry Creek State Park. After drills we headed up to the track.

A had read through the email and decided for the mid-level ladders. She ended up finishing only about 5 minutes before I did, so I take that as a big win!

400m - 2:09 (8:29 pace)
800m - ??? (hit pause instead of lap)
1200m - 7:26 (9:46 pace)
1600m - 9:49
1200m - 7:28 (9:51 pace)
800m - 4:49 (9:33 pace)
400m - 2:12 (8:50 pace)
200m - 0:53 (7:00 pace!)

There was a two minute recovery between each interval, which I desperately needed! I'm most impressed that I got through every single interval without walking! And ALL intervals were sub 10 pace, which I haven't seen in a REALLY long time. Felt very accomplished when I was done with this workout! 7 miles total, and we finished just in time - the rain came in on our drive home.
Wednesday (20,229 steps) - Barre before work with Gabi. Sitting pretzel is really the most awkward movement (and pointless) for people who have extremely weak hips. Best run in ages at run club - 5 miles round trip to Wash Park.
Thursday (30,955 steps) - 7 not-so-great miles. 3.5 out on roads, but the sun was already coming up so I jumped on the trails on the way back. Legs just tired I guess after a hard effort the night before. Always appreciate of a pretty sunrise though!

Barre HIIT with Laura during lunch, which was just what I needed after a horrible morning at work. Belmar run club. I did a run/walk with Mo and Colfax (about 1.5 walking and 1 mile jogging).
Friday (15,319 steps) - Rest day! One year follow-up appointment for my lasik, otherwise nothing!
Saturday (44,843 steps) - Thankfully, the storm didn't amount to anything major. It was definitely colder than I am used to running in and I kept my long sleeves and jacket on for the whole run. The route was set up as an 8 mile route. A stopped after one loop and I went out and did another 10. The first 17 went pretty well, but I was certainly ready for it to be over.

This guy would NOT look at the camera!!
For all the hills and stopping, really pleased for a sub 12 pace overall!
Sunday (31,405 steps) - Up early to run miles before my ERS training run. Everything, of course, took longer than I planned and I only had time for 5.5 miles before I was supposed to be there. I ran an out and back, which included a section of the new bike path to Boulder. Legs felt pretty good for these miles.
The training run itself was sort of a bust, only a handful of people came, and most of them decided to walk. I ran 4.5 (out and back) on Big Dry Creek with Tom and it was HARD... he is a fast guy and I was working way too hard to try to keep up with him. The 45 minute break between my two runs probably didn't help either.
Home for a quick shower before we met up with Lisa and Jessa for brunch at Billy's Inn. Ended up taking a short nap and then went to barre.
Monday (10,919 steps) - Rest day.


  • 47.4 miles run (no races!)
  • 177,840 steps
  • 3 barre classes

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...