Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Week in Review (April 11 - April 17)

Tuesday (17,043 steps) - A had student council, so no speed work. With this THANKFULLY being a recovery week, I did an easy 3.5ish miles before work. It was chilly, but nice.
Pretty cool to see the moon set!
Barre with Laura during lunch.
Wednesday (16,441 steps) - Run club after work.
I was actually going to be on a panel for a presentation on beginning trail running, so I didn't have a ton of time to get a run in. A and I started out with Mo and Colfax running the 2.3ish mile loop that we did last year, but we picked up the pace a bit because we needed to be back.

The panel was actually a lot of fun and it was CRAZY to me that people came up afterwards and wanted to ask me questions and get advice. I still consider myself a novice as well, but it was SO nice to see people so excited to get started!
Thursday (17,636 steps) - Opted for sleep instead of a morning barre class. Belmar run club. Mo was able to run 1.4 miles out of the 2.5 mile loop.

A found a lot more eggs than I did
Decided to go to Rocko's for nachos after, then headed home to start packing.
Friday (12,956 steps) - Rest day! Picked up beer and Domino's for dinner, finished packing, went to bed early.
Saturday (124,136 steps) - 24 Hours of Palmer Lake.
Sunday (49,179 steps) - More 24 Hours of Palmer Lake.
Had to stop and take a 15 minute cat nap again on the drive home. Took a shower and then a nap. Intended to rest for only a few hours, ended up sleeping until after 3. Went to IHOP for omelettes and pancakes, then a trip to the grocery store.
Monday (11,730 steps) - Another rest day!

  • 249,121 steps
  • 83.8 miles run
  • Just 1 barre class

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...