Tuesday, July 23, 2013

#NotEatingAllTheThings (Week 12)

Read about previous weeks HERE.

This was the first week since the #NotEatingAllTheThings game started where I did not log my food one single time. I am still being fairly conscious of what I put in my mouth (I guess), but I wasn't tracking anything. I was still enjoying my beer and for REAL, the Lightning Strike by Rockyard Brewing is DELICIOUS. I had been doing my own "dark beer tour," but since I enjoy this one so much it is all I have bought in the last three weeks.

Tuesday - NKOTB concert!!! Opening band was Boyz II Men and they were GREAT. I kept thinking one of them might break a hip or something, but they sang all their "old stuff" and were enjoyable to watch. I was NOT impressed with 98*. Lots of awkward dance moves and they didn't sound great. Also, I was a bit disappointed with NKOTB's performance. They did sing some stuff off their new album, but this was probably my least favorite out of all the shows I have been to. Still a good time though!

Wednesday - 4ish mile run with run club. One of the better "road" runs I have had in a while. My last half mile was at a sub 9 pace!
Thursday - 5.5ish mile run on the treadmill AT THE GYM.
Friday - Tank top arms and abs/obliques
Saturday - 14 mile run with Hope. She was having some calf tightness/cramping so the pace was slow and there was a decent amount of walking. HOT.

Sunday - 8ish mile hike/run with Hope. Tried out some "new" trails just south of Boulder. I had mapped out a pretty cool route, but the trails signs were a bit confusing so we had to modify a bit. Fairly flat and not very technical. SUPER exposed.

Monday - Barre. And it still feels like The Hardest Ever. (Which probably is a good thing?)

Another good week! I managed to squeeze in a total of four runs, which as you know, is a pretty big deal lately. Also, did you notice? I DID NOT EVEN RACE THIS WEEK AND I STILL RAN ALMOST 33 MILES!! I've been taking it really slow and easy, so I didn't have any of my typical aches and pains. Do I possibly see the light at the end of the tunnel???

Weekly Loss - 1.4 pounds
Loss Since April 30 - 16 pounds

Interesting. I still cannot tell the difference when I look in the mirror. But then, one day, last week it was forecasted to be a bit chilly, so I wore pants:

Ignore my stretch marks. Huh. This is an interesting development.

  • Appetite is definitely down. I don't know why. It could either be because my stomach has actually gotten smaller. Maybe I have just trained myself to eat less? Or, I just have been a bit sad lately and that kind of makes me less hungry too. So, could be any number of things.
  • I have hit my "goal" weight. I guess this means I am in maintain mode? But I am not even sure at this point HOW to do that. I don't feel like I am dieting right now. I guess maybe one less salad and one more burger??
  • Related: So happy I can enjoy my beer.
  • I am still not really sleeping very well and I am still tired a lot, but I hesitatingly say that my energy seems to be going up just a teeny tiny bit?
  • I am NOT HATING running right now. I think part of it is that I have found someone to run my longer runs with and try out new trails with me. So happy Hope moved here!!
  • I hit my fundraising goal!!!!!!! (Actually, I even exceeded it - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!)


  1. Great job on the weight loss. If you go to bed hungry ur body can go into "search for food" mode - it's programmed to do so ( thank our ancestors!). Maybe a little yogurt, or fruit pre-bed can help :D

  2. NKOTB!! How fun! I knew they were touring, but I didn't know they had a new album!

    Congrats on reaching your target weight as well as having lifted spirits towards running :)

  3. agree on 98 degrees but so bummed you didn't like NKOTB! and proud of your weightloss!


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