Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mizuno Mezamashii Project... and a giveaway!

Did you know I'm a founding member of the Mezamashii Project from Mizuno? Do you even know what that is? Well, if you haven't seen/heard the buzz surrounding the project, you can read about it here.

Being a member means... free shoes. Seriously. FREE. SHOES. When I found out that I could pretty much select ANY style on their website, I was PSYCHED. I run a TON, and I go through LOTS of shoes. I also have yet to find the perfect trail shoe. So I ordered a pair of the Cabrakans, and they arrived in time for me to test them out. You know, on one of the toughest marathon courses in the country. And you know what? They were awesome. So I tested them AGAIN on a trail half marathon the next day. I'm pretty much making them my new trail shoe.

Anyway, what's this giveaway you ask? Well... as a founding member, I can offer membership to OTHERS. Well, I think the only fair way to do this is for me to do a "giveaway" for an email invite. So... for entry - all you need to do is pick TWO of these options. Just two! I will do a random selection on the 9th - the free shoes offer EXPIRES ON JULY 15 - so once you win, be sure to check your email for your invite and get them ordered!

Giveaway Requirements (pick TWO):

  • What a brilliant / mezamashii run means to you
  • Why do you want a pair of Mizunos
  • A haiku about brilliant running
  • Tweet to me (and MizunoUSA) - why do you want to be a part of the Mezamashii Run Project
  • Tweet to me (and MizunoUSA) - what a brilliant / mezamashii run means to you
  • Tweet to me (and MizunoUSA) - Why they want a pair of Mizunos
If you don't already follow me on Twitter - please do @squirrelgirl44 (I'm huh-larious).


  1. I want to try them because I have yet to try any of their shoes!!

    Running is Awesome
    Especially Fast Running
    Save the Fast Runner

    Okay that was my poem for you. I once won an award for a similar poem in grade school so I just changed the words in it to fit ;)

  2. I honestly feel like every run is brilliant in one way or another…….the way I see it, the only ‘bad’ run you have is the one you didn’t take!! But I did have an especially awesome and brilliant run on Tuesday of this week. My knee had been giving me problems the week before, and I went out on the run expecting that I may have to stop or go shorter than I intended. But my knee felt great! I felt incredible running through the redwood forest on my favorite trails, with a light breeze and a lovely 58 degrees. Feel free to be jealous, because it really was that great!

  3. My attempt at a haiku:

    I run to be strong
    Strength comes with brilliant runs
    Mizuno for me

  4. A brilliant run happens when you get up on a truly grey day...the weather is cloud-covered and vaguely warm-cool and you can't find the clothes you really want to wear and your fog-filled brain isn't quite clicking into gear. Your mood could go either way...candy-sweet happy or full-on grumpitude, but you're too bleary-eyed to decide. You somehow manage to get your fully-clothed butt out the door to run. And it kicks in. You drop into a groove, you feel alert and strong and just-dare-me-challenge-steady-ready. That natural tapping into your innate superpower...that's Mezamashii.

  5. I'd like a pair of Mizunos because they have a great reputation for excellent performance at a light weight, and because their designs are screamingly cool. :)

  6. I brilliant/ Mazamashii run is when even though I am not fast I feel like I am flying. Everything just clicks, nothing is aching, nothing is rubbing the wrong way, the weather is perfect and the mind is at ease. Part of that equation is a good pair of running shoes. I am still on a quest to find the best shoes that allow for more of those brilliant runs whether they be during a half marathons or just a loop around the neighborhood.

  7. I want a pair of Mizunos because I have heard wonderful things about their shoes and I'd like to give them a shot. I don't have a ton of money to spend on new gear so it would be such a blessing to be able to get a pair of shoes for free.

  8. Haiku:

    Running is the best
    Put Mizunos to the test
    Run into the wind


  9. A brilliant mezamashi run is early in the morning before I have even had time to convince myself to not get out there. Traffic is light, the sun is slowly rising over the mountains. The air is brisk and cool while I become warm and sweaty. When I get home, nothing tastes better than a hot cup of coffee and hot shower.

  10. I started running in Mizunos after I broke my foot three times last year and had three surgeries on it. I had been an Asics lover for a long time, but they no longer worked well with a steel rod holding my foot together. I tried Brooks, Nikes, and finally a pair of Mizuno Wave Nirvanas and they were heaven on my feet. I went on to run a full marathon one year after my last surgery in those shoes. I would love to try a pair of trail shoes next.

  11. Basically every freaking run to me is brilliant, I enjoy different things everytime I hit the ground! i think once I hit the 26.2 MCM on October 28th, the top of brilliance will be grasped! Thanks for the heads up, fingesr crossed;)

  12. Honestly, the reason I want to win a pair of Mizunos is because I've never owned a TRULY good pair of running shoes. I've been running for 3 years now, I completed my first half-marathon in Nikes that I bought at a discount store. I've never been fitted for shoes, I can't afford to spend more than $50 on a pair of shoes. I just can't. I know it's an investment, but it's one I can't afford to make. I want to win this so badly.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. A brilliant run, to me means: My favorite running path is not too crowded, my legs feel strong, my lungs feel fresh, the weather is perfect. It happens about once a week. Every crappy run I've ever had is worth it for just a few brilliant runs. They are SO awesome.

  15. Out on the trails
    Running fast, wild, footloose and free
    Ground meets my face. Ouch.

    Most of my most brilliant stretches of trailrunning are followed by a fall. Hey, you gotta break some eggs to make an omelet. :)

  16. I want a pair of Mizunos because I've never tried them and I'm very open to trying all kinds of trail shoes. I have about 4 different brands!

  17. A brilliant run for me would be running in perfect weather (somewhere around 40 degrees) with no physical pain and a mindset that I can go forever. It wouldn't hurt if it was in Central Park without an obnoxious amount of cyclists.

  18. I want a pair of Mizunos because I hear great things about them and they come in awesome colors (even though you're not supposed to base your running shoe decisions on looks, I'm sure I could find some that would be perfect :-)

  19. a brilliant run for me is pain free, perfect weather, easy breathing and just feels good.

  20. i would love to try mizunos-honestly, i stick with what I know because I don’t want to spend a fortune on trying different shoes. this would be an awesome way to learn about the mizuno brand!

  21. A brilliant one is one where I can really get in tune with my breath, calm my thoughts, and appreciate my body and all it has done through the run and when I finish!

    feet pounding, run fast
    taking it all in stride
    stepping, bounding, lift!

  22. I've only heard great things about Mizunos but I've never tried them so I would LOVE TO WIN!

  23. My horrible attempt at a haiku:

    Please please please pick me
    I want some new Mizunos
    They will make me fast

    Did I do that right?!

  24. I just had a brilliant run this afternoon running with my daughter's high school cross country team. I ran with the 2 coaches and was able to keep up with them for most of the 6+ miles.

    I'd love to try a pair of Mizunos because I never have had a pair before.

  25. I've heard amazing things about Mizunos and would love to try them!

    I tweeted!

  26. I want to win a pair of Mizunos because I ran my first half marathon in 2010 in a pair I bought on sale without being fitted first- that ended up not being the right show for me. I'd love to find something better suited for my gait and current goals.

  27. I tweeted. Tweets are so hard because they are limiting. I want to have a fun way to kick-off my re-inspiration and motivation for myself to run. I used to fight wildfires and be fit. Now, I feel lazy and clumsy--that's going to change! It's been 3 years since my last brilliant run. I need new kicks (mine are circa 2003 college volleyball mizunos!!!) and I would love the friendship and comraderie of the Mezamashii Project! I would love to pay it forward with an invite!

  28. Feet plodding at first,
    Time goes by, more sweat, success,
    Running I feel free.

    By the way, I love that you have completed so many amazing runs. WOW. That would be an amazing bucket list to run through! Kudos!

  29. I fight through the pain
    I will keep pushing harder
    I want a PR

    :) that is an original Haiku!

  30. Each training cycle brings all types of runs. Great runs, fast runs, slow runs, runs that make you want to give up and quit and runs that make you want go further! Each run is brilliant because you are working toward a goal. Who doesn't love accomplishing a goal? Hello Mezamashii!

  31. i just learned of Mizunos and them seem like the best i want the best runing shoe for my heath and well being.


  33. A brilliant run is one that takes you back to why it is you are a runner, what you love about it. Sometimes I get so caught up in signing up for races and putting in the necessary training but all it takes is one great run to remind me why I do it all.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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