Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Random Midweek Things...

Texas is one of my top three states to run in. It's pretty close to drive to (well, the northern part, anyway) and it has a TON of races in months when Colorado does NOT. Today I registered for TWO races there (don't worry, Coach, you approved these!):

Palo Duro trail 50K (October 20) and...
Rocky Raccoon 50 MILE (February 3)

Any of my ultra friends planning on being at these? I'm pretty excited for both of them. I'm camping for Palo Duro (I know!) but would love to find a roommate for a hotel for RR... Anyone?

PFTW (little late since it's half over):

Sunday - Munchkin Mile, Yoga
Monday - 3 easy
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - 4 easy
Thursday - Off (but maybe some kickboxing), stretching
Friday - Off
Saturday - 2 easy

In other randomness:

Look what came in the mail from running skirts yesterday!

They weren't supposed to ship until next week, so imagine my surprise when they were in my mailbox yesterday. WHAT FUN COMPRESSION SOCKS!!!

Pro Compression has a new sock of the month!! I'm on the fence about buying them, but bet I will cave since I have NEVER found red compression socks:

Using code SOM712 will score you these bad boys for $30, free shipping! (code is only good on that particular sock, supplies limited, valid through 7/28)

And... Run Pretty Far released some new styles of tanks! I picked up this one for Palo Duro!

Did you know that Brooks makes PureFlows for kids???? I DIE. A is begging for these... I think I'm going to get them since I have a 25% off for RoadRunner (even though I am still pretty furious with them):

Lastly... am I the last person on earth to really notice InkNBurn??? If it wasn't so expensive, I'd own a couple of these pieces. Their skirts? Camisoles? Shorts? KIDS TOPS??? I'm in freaking love. They are supposed to be at the expo in San Fran this weekend - I totally plan on trying stuff on and maybe treating myself to ONE item...


  1. Give yourself extra time at the SF Expo, it was nuts last year!

    Good luck on Sunday. Enjoy those hills:)

  2. Rocky Raccoon is one I've considered doing in the past. I don't know what 2013 holds yet though! There are so many ultras in neighboring states to GA that I probably wouldn't go out there unless I was doing the 100. But that would be getting ahead of myself because I still have to run my first 100. :)

    InkNBurn is awesome! I've stalked them for years. I have a Peacock Shirt, a sleeveless tank and two camisoles (Lust & Cherry) and I love the quality. I get compliments on the shirts whenever I wear them. If I make it through my race in Aug, I'm buying that new Phoenix cami. Would buy other stuff but the shorts and skirts are way too short for my tree trunk legs.

    Be sure to sign up for their newsletter or follow them on FB. They had their first ever discount code on the 4th of July.

  3. As you know, I am loving InkNburn as well. IN fact, I just purchased the peacock skirt I wanted. yay! I'm glad to hear from the previous poster that they are good quality. I can't wait to get it!!

  4. Thanks for the info on the cute red compression socks! I've been thinking of getting the new red CEP compression socks, but the USA ones are cute and are a great deal with the discount! Also, good luck on Sunday!

  5. I LOVE ink n burns stuff but I can't bring myself to pay that much for it. So I just admire from afar.

    I have some PRO Compression socks and love them. I did almost all of my long runs while training for my first marathon in them and wear them for work also.

  6. Saw those kids Brooks in my local running shop this week - LOVE them! Too bad my daughter's foot is still a bit too small! Can't wait to see InknBurn at the Disneyland expo!

  7. You make me want all those things!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...