Wednesday, July 27, 2011



I love the folks at Road Runner. If you are a member of their VIP program, you have NINETY days to try shoes out and if you don't like them, you can exchange that. Now, I'm not one to take advantage of a lenient return/exchange policy, but I've been struggling to find shoes I really like, and this program ROCKS.
So when I discovered I still had a pair of unworn Newtons that were outside the normal warranty (purchased end of February), I took them to Road Runner and the sweet folks there still let me exchange. Now, the Pumas are NOT out of the running, but since I had only run a few miles in them, I felt like I still needed to try something else. I had also tried on the above Zoot Ultra TT 4.0s, but the high heel freaked me out:

  • As usual... PRETTY!!
  • Light!!
  • Comfy!
  • The high creepy heel. It's actually flexible/soft so it's not necessarily a con, just... weird.
  • The non-tie laces. Unsure if this is a con. The shoes never felt super tight, and I like that I didn't have to think about adjusting them. On a longer run if my feet swell this could be an issue.
So... I had high hopes for these shoes. I was originally going to start the RLRF program, but I had some stomach issues that made me pull way back on my pace. I did still put in 6.75 miles in them, and no feelings of blisters and no numbness in the feet. However, I did have some minor ankle pain (which I've had on and off for months), and my quad felt tight (again, on and off problem since last year). So where I leave this... no running for a few days, I feel like I need to try an outdoor long run at some point this weekend before I really dig deep into the RLRF program.

Best ones so far!


  1. Aww, I like how A is in her cute little dress in the new blogger header!!

    I like these shoes - the color! The ankle thing is a bit weird compared to most other shoes. Does the high back have a function? Is it supposed to help you pull them off and on since they don't have normal laces?

  2. I've never heard of Zoot before, so it should be interesting to see what you think after a long run.

    Is one of the requirements of your shoes that it has to be a bright, bold, color? haha I love it

  3. My hubs has these (boy version) and really likes them. Hope they work out for you!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...