Thursday, October 14, 2010

Three Things Thursday


I was psyched when I was given the opportunity to review a product by Zensah. I've been raving about their leg sleeves for months, and have recently started wearing the arm sleeves and compression socks. Their products are fabulous! I was asked to try one of their products that I hadn't used before (sorry guys, this is for girls only) - their running bra.

No, that's not a picture of me :D - she is way more toned than I am! Since I am too self-conscious to work out with just a bra, I opted to try one in black - since I have a lot of black tops. Wednesday came, and it was time for my treadmill hill run. An hour on the treadmill in the stifling hot gym is the perfect time to test out products. I made sure to wear one of my shirts that did NOT have a built in bra so that I could gauge the support and comfort level better.

The facts about the bra (from Zensah's website):

Zensah has developed the most comfortable running sports bra in the world. Made for athletes, the innovative running sports bra is made with Zensah Fabric which is thermal regulating. Zensah Sports Bras allow you to never feel too hot or too cold. Zensah Sports Bra has moisture wicking technology that keeps you dry, even after the toughest workouts. With is seamless construction and Zensah fabric, the Zensah compression sports bra is the best sports bra on the market. This high-performance running bra offers compression and support while running or engaging in any athletic activity. The Zensah Sports Bra fits all body types. It is a great sport bra for small to large cup sizes. Get the Zensah Running Sports Bra today and revolutionize your workout!
* Seamless Design = No Chafing
* Anti-Bacterial
* Super Comfort
* Thermal Regulating

Sizing: S/M: 32ABC - 34AB M/L: 34ABC - 36AB
I will admit I was a bit worried since I am on the high end of the S/M scale and low end of the M/L scale, but I went with the small anyway. Pulling the bra out of the box and I was impressed with how soft and stretchy it was. I was defnitely concerned that it would not be enough support for me. I put it on, and what struck me is how light and comfortable it was. After putting it on, I certainly felt "supported" and yet at the same time it felt like I was wearing nothing at all.
The run went great. I normally feel "bulging" and tightness under my arms, but this one is different. I really did not notice it at all! To sum it up - comfortable, light, supportive and NO CHAFING!! I give this product an A+ and certainly plan on getting more.

So... along with this review will be my first giveaway! Look for that to be coming soon!!!


Meh. It's been ok. I was actually pretty surprised at how well The Foot held up during the double header. I managed to get through both of the races fine. Wednesday was the first time I ran since the races, and I noticed the pain is still there (a bit), so I'm still icing at least 15 minutes a day. I had planned on a possible long run this weekend (you know, still trying to get a 20 miler in). Just does NOT seem like that's going to happen. Unless I bandit during the Rock 'n' Roll :D



  1. Sports bras for me are like Running Skirts for you, I think. :D. I'm a little obsessed with them.

  2. I feel lame asking this, but I life in a place with NO running stores AT ALL. Can you buy Zensah products in stores? Or is it an online company? (I feel so ashamed for even asking!)

    And I cannot believe Athens is so close!!!

  3. Great review! :)

    Yay for Athens in 16 days! Wow! :)


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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