Thursday, October 7, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1. The Workouts & The Foot

Got in a couple of runs this week. SUPER exciting since I've really been doing bare bones the last few weeks. Yesterday I had tons of errands to run, but I still managed to get in just over 4 miles on my regular trail. No pics of that today, I was running late and distracted, but remembered the outfit shot:

Managed to keep sub 10 min mile pace again (averaging 9:36 pace, woo hoo!) The cooler temps are perfect for me. It was mid 60s and it felt great to be out there. I don't look forward to the snow/freezing temps, but I'm not missing the 100 degree weather right now! No real foot pain, although the inside arch of my foot felt "stretched" the first few minutes but everything else was great. I'm still "sticking" at night on my quads and calves (Maine really did a number on me with those hills!) and icing the foot at least once or twice a night.

2. The Races

This weekend is the double header!!! As you all know I'm super nervous because of the tough courses and time limits. Mind over matter, I think it's gonna be great. Both of them.
  • Saturday - Hartford Half Marathon (Hartford, CT). This is the second race I've done that does athlete tracking. I've signed up for the Facebook option, it should update my status or do an alert when I cross the 6 mile mat and the finish line. Doing this... just because I can! (Also texting updates available - I'm sending those to my dad and boyfriend).
  • Sunday - Boston Half Marathon (Boston, MA). Finally saw the elevation profile on this one. Most of the race looks... ok. The last two miles look tough. I've heard that the ending hill (who puts the last 2 miles of a race as a hill??) is called "Deadman's Curve" or "Mini Heartbreak Hill." Blah. Just so long as I cross in less than 2:30 I won't get a DNF and I'll still get a medal. I'm hoping to do better of course.
  • Saturday, October 23 - Zombie Half Marathon (Anchorage, AK). Super DUPER excited for this one. Mainly because most of my family is going!! My parents are joining, and so my daughter and my niece. We have five days of vacation in Alaska, and then the race is our last day before coming back. My daughter doesn't get to watch me race often because I'm usually out of town. Let's hope for nice(ish) weather so everyone can be outside for it. :D
  • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31... Athens Marathon (Athens, Greece) - AKA, "THE BIG ONE" I finally FINALLY got my flight schedule emailed to me last night. Lots and LOTS of time to be spent on the plane. Layovers on the way out in Cincinnati and Paris. Layovers on the way back in Amsterdam and Detroit. Um. I'm starting to get REALLY nervous and REALLY exciting. After all this time I cannot believe it is almost here! I was on their website this morning and saw this...


... My first giveaway! I will have details about it next week. Psyched!! In the meantime I'd like to do a "mini" giveaway. As you know, the You Go Girl! race had some AWESOME freebie stuff. I tried, but I am just not loving the bag. I am not sure if the 10K girls got one or not, or if there is anyone out there that would like mine, but if you are interested, drop me a comment and I'll send it to the first person who wants it.


  1. I was there and didn't get one. I would like to try it if you don't mind sending it this far, that would be awesome! Thanks!

  2. oh and good luck on your super busy race weekend!

  3. Good luck to you this weekend!!!

  4. I can't wait to hear about all of these races. This weekend sounds so busy - good luck!

    This Halloween race has me VERY intrigued. And of course who isn't looking forward to living vicariously through you and Athens?? Such an exciting month you have!

  5. Lots of exciting races coming your way! Good luck and have fun!

  6. You're going to be GREAT! Just enjoy it :)

  7. Awww, I will send good Alaska weather vibes your way. The one and only time (so far) my kiddo saw me race was...*sniff*...awesome.

  8. A double, I am sooo giving you a High five tomorrow.. and your FIRST Marathon this month.. Good times ahead..

  9. Good luck this weekend with the double header!! :D

  10. When will you fly back and be on Amsterdam (Schiphol) airport? Please let it be the 3rd; we might be able to do a mini bloggie meet-up! :) :)

  11. Awwww, Silly Girl, it will be on the 2nd :(

  12. Just found your blog through dailymile - I'm going to be running the Zombie 1/2 Marathon in Anchorage as well (I live here), so maybe I'll see you there! :)

  13. hi, i'm a new follower! just read your "about me," wow, very inspiring and congratulations on so many things! My fiance and i are both runners in Boston, he will be running the BAA half this weekend and i'll just be spectating. I'll keep a look out for you! i will be on top of the bridge, i'll keep an eye out for you! such a fun weekend ahead, good luck!

  14. I am so jealous of all of the wonderful places that you get to go and run! You are so very lucky! Good luck to you!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...