Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Week in Review (November 5 - November 11)

Tuesday (11,382 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk. I had to go to the dealership for service on my car. Shockingly (not), it took way too long for having an appointment. I think it is impossible to leave there without being angry. Went to the gym at lunch. Did the StairMaster and climbed the Egyptian pyramids.

Did some driving before heading home. Initially, I had the news on and was watching election results, but it was obvious pretty early on that it wasn't going to go well. We ended up watching a movie instead.
Wednesday (20,368 steps) - Olive walk before going to work in the office. It had been snowing all morning, so I put of running as long as I could. When I finally headed out I was not optimistic and worried about being cold. I definitely overdressed and had to take off the additional hoodie after less than a mile. Greg had initially given me a workout, which I told him I was going to skip because of weather. Spoiler, I guess cold weather makes me "fast."

Headed home after work to take Olive for a quick walk. I went out to do some driving but ended up quitting earlier than I wanted to because the snow started coming down a lot harder.
Thursday (10,780 steps) - Work from home. Lots of activity, including Peloton and strength training. Took Olive for a walk. Drove to Golden to pick up Ariel to take her to get additional X-rays at the dentist and to Costco to get her glasses ordered. She stayed at the house until I was off work and we went to Target and then met Ben at Torchy's for dinner. We took her home afterwards, I took Olive for a longer walk to get all my steps in and we watched a movie. 
Friday (10,411 steps) - Since it wasn't snowing YET, I took Olive for a longer walk before I clocked in for work. I messaged Amber to let her know that I was going to work from home the whole day. Work was pretty slow and even the people that DID go in were told to go home by noon. Took Olive for another walk. Ben picked up pho for dinner and we watched a movie.
Saturday (23,829 steps) - Did some reading and random cleaning in the morning .Took Olive for a walk. We finally braved going for our run on Big Dry Creek. Except for a handful of places, it was actually in decent shape. WE, however, were NOT in decent shape. Felt hard.
Can you spot the coyote?

Home to shower and then we went back out. I got a holiday coffee from Ziggi's and we went to 4 Noses. Still no beer for me!
Food truck had fancy mac n' cheese, which was delicious for lunch. 
No idea what else happened.
Sunday (13,712 steps) - No idea what we did in the morning. Took Olive for a walk and then went to Boulder so Ben could look at shoes at Runners Roost. I had a short run on schedule, so I ran while he was at the store.

Opted to stop at Bluegrass on the way home for a snack. Took Olive for another walk and went out driving for a bit. Turns out that would be all we would eat all day, as neither of us was hungry when dinner time rolled around. Have no idea what we watched.
Monday (16,606 steps) - Work from home. Went for my run relatively early. Hard to believe we just had so much snow as a tee and shorts was fine for the run.
Took Olive for a walk and then took a shower. Drove to Golden to pick up Ariel and take her to her consultation for getting her wisdom teeth taken out. Glad I brought my laptop since it lasted longer than expected. I ended up having to finish work in the car since it took me right up until my time to log out. Did a few deliveries on my way home. We made stir fry for dinner and watched a movie. 

  • 107,088 steps
  • 21.71 miles run
  • 14.53 miles walked
  • 62 minute of cardio
  • 85 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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