Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Week in Review (November 12 - November 18)

Tuesday (11,818 steps) - Olive walk before work. Went to the gym at lunch. Ambitiously thought I could climb the tallest building in Dubai on the StairMaster, but quit after a half hour because it was going to take me longer than my whole lunch hour. 

Did some strength training. Arranged all my new ducks - pretty soon there will not be any more room for people to put stuff on my ledge.
Walked Olive again when I got home from work.
Wednesday (15,704 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work. Cross training again at lunch since the run I had on schedule needed to be hilly, which I don't have in the city. Olive walk when I got home.
Thursday (19,775 steps) - Work from home. Since it was Ariel's birthday I went down to Golden to take her out for coffee. I stopped on the drive home to do my hill repeats near the NAAC. Normally I do these at Dino Ridge, but I gave this a chance since it was on my drive home anyway. Turned out to be a good location for it and there was not a lot of people on the bike path. 

Took Olive for a slow walk when I got home. Did some driving and then we went to Torchy's for our weekly dinner.
Friday (12,032 steps) - Olive had been limping (again, but this time her back paw), so we skipped the Wash Park walk. I still took her to work though, which she finds boring.
After work did some driving and then Ben and I met at Salsa's for dinner.
Ted Lasso! This is such a great show, we are really enjoying it.
Saturday (29,459 steps) - Drove down to Lakewood for the Runners Edge winter kickoff. I had 2.5 hours on schedule and planned to do 10 miles as a compromise.
I feel like every time I run in Lakewood I am bamboozled by how hilly it feels. We saw the scariest 12 foot skeleton dressed up like a pilgrim.
While we knew quite a few people out running, we ended up doing all the miles by ourselves. The run was... fine, but it definitely seemed like too much work for the mileage/pace.
We had plans to stick around the store and shop when we got done, but there were no shoes Ben was interested in, and no apparel I wanted. Plus, everyone we knew had seemingly already left! We stopped at Parry's on the way home for a drink (NA beer for me) and a snack.
Took Olive for a long walk when we got back. They appear to be doing something with the degrading dock...
Went to 4 Noses for Ben, although he bribed me with a Ziggi's coffee. AND! Olive's new outfit came, and she looks so adorable in it!

Ted Lasso!
Sunday (10,526 steps) - I was supposed to "bag a peak," per my training. I didn't get up early enough to go anywhere, so Ben and I just took Olive for a long walk.
We drove into Golden and picked up Ariel to take her to breakfast at the Golden Diner for her birthday. 
She wanted to come back to the house to spend the day/night. She opened up all her presents, and then Ariel and I went to Target to walk around. We stopped at Torchy's on the way back to eat some queso and say hi to Amanda. Ben and I went to 4 Noses so Ariel could shower and get some studying done. We made alfredo for dinner and watched a movie. It was nice!
Monday (16,126 steps) - Work from home before taking Ariel to get coffee and taking her back to school. The weather had seemed glorious when we left, but it seemed to get cloudy on my drive back. I opted to walk Olive first while deciding what clothes would be best for my run. Unfortunately, by the time I did my run the clouds had taken over and it got WINDY. (Yes, I realize the picture below doesn't appear like bad weather, but I was running west, TOWARDS the weather).
Run was NOT good, and it was a lot more work than it should have been. I went to Tokyo Joe's for my free "half birthday" entrée and it was delicious!
Did some driving and Ben picked up pizza for dinner. More Ted Lasso!

  • 115,440 steps
  • 22.08 miles run
  • 15.56 miles walked
  • 41 minutes of cardio
  • 70 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...