Friday, August 2, 2024

Week in Review (July 23 - July 29)

Tuesday (82,403 steps) - Summit 200
Wednesday (47,257 steps) - Summit 200... DNF. After Lee came to pick us up, he dropped us off at Ben's truck in Frisco. Ben had been able to make a hotel reservation in Silverthorne while we were on the mountain. There was a restaurant/bar at the hotel, but by the time we arrived the kitchen was already closed. We got a beer at the bar and tried to order takeout but everything closes so early. We ended up having to eat Chex Mix for dinner. I took a shower and passed out.
Thursday (10,257 steps) - We were still going to have to stay in town since our drop bags weren't ready yet. We got breakfast at the hotel restaurant. 
We went to Outer Range and then decided to go to the Wheeler Junction aid station (last one on course) to see if we could see Nico. We stuck around for a bit and I went for a few walks to get my steps in. We got Pho for dinner.
Headed to the Nordic Center to see Nico finish - unfortunately, I fell asleep in the truck and missed it. Then we went to our second hotel in Dillon for the night. 
Friday (10,717 steps) - Unfortunately did NOT sleep well. We had breakfast in the hotel lobby and then Outer Range before going to pick up our drop bags. We were home relatively early afternoon and took Olive for a walk. Began the horrible process of unpacking and doing laundry.
Saturday (10,326 steps) - Slept in. Took Olive for a walk and then did a Peloton ride so that I wouldn't lose my weekly streak. Didn't do much else, went to 4 Noses and had to go on multiple walks to get my steps in.
Sunday (18,268 steps) - Slept in. Plan for the day was to go hiking with Olive. We were not in any rush and by the time we got to Moffat Tunnel for our hike to Forest Lakes, the lot was crowded but not full. It was warm out and I could definitely feel the fatigue in my legs, but we were going dog pace so it was fine. 

AllTrails said that it was roughly 6.4 miles round trip, but like every other time I use this app it was longer than that. We even pulled out Gaia to make sure that there was, in fact, a lake at the end. There was! Olive was a bit afraid to go in, however.
Like always, it was faster coming down than going up, and Olive wasn't as pokey. We decided to stop at Howlin Wind in Rollinsville after we were done since it was closed the last time we stopped there. The beer was meh, but the spot is cute.
We headed to 4 Noses for better beer and got delicious protein bowls for dinner.
Monday (11,582 steps) - Work from home. I had planned on maybe getting up early to run before work, but I didn't. I did attempt a short run late morning. It wasn't great, that's for sure, but probably not as bad as it could have been. Took Olive for a walk after that. Went to Torchy's for lunch. Met Ben at 4 Noses after work, took Olive for a walk (forgetting to start my watch). Olympic gymnastics!

  • 190,810 steps
  • 68.2ish miles run (mostly Summit)
  • 18.84 miles walked
  • 20 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength

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