Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Week in Review (August 13 - August 19)

Tuesday (16,023 steps) - Row and dog walk before work. Went to the gym at lunch. 
Rushed home after work to take Olive for a walk. We got caught in the rain about halfway through the walk. Olive was basically a drowned rat and definitely upset about being wet.
Wednesday (14,447 steps) - Quick Peloton ride and walked Olive before going to work. Erica brought one of her dogs in, I should have brought Olive in as well, but it was too late by the time she had told me.
Went to the gym at lunch and did all my strength training.
Thursday (20,269 steps) - Work from home. I had grand plans to do my tempo run early in the morning, but a crisis had me dealing with work stuff until it was hot out. My tempo run at the track was incredibly awful. It's been a while since I've had a run that bad. Took Olive for a walk afterward. Met Ben at Parry's - got the salad for the first time in ages and it was delicious.
Friday (18,468 steps) - Wash Park! Olive came to work again. She noticed the escalators for the first time and was very intrigued. 
Drove for a bit and then Ben and I went to Torchy's for dinner.
Saturday (14,765 steps) - Slept in. Decided we would head up to Leadville late morning even though Liz had already texted that she was going to be dropping. I took Olive for a long walk while Ben did things around the house. By the time we got up to the mountains (traffic was bad), Liz was already down in Copper near her condo. We met up with them at a taproom and had some beers and walked around.
Liz offered to let us stay at her place, although we had to segregate Olive from her dog. Olive apparently cries if we leave her in a strange place :(
Sunday (21,292 steps) - Slept HORRIBLE. Headed up to Leadville around 8 so that we could hang out at the finish line. Saw quite a few people finish. Decided we would try to head down and miss some traffic, but leaving just before 11 was already too late so we stopped in Breckenridge and decided to hike/run near Rainbow Lake and then take the trail up for a bit.

People kept telling us to watch out for a moose, but we never saw it. Olive had a few minutes of fun play time in the lake with some other dogs before we went down to Frisco. We picked up a snack at Whole Foods and then went to Outer Range. By the time we left traffic wasn't that horrible. We went to 4 Noses - taco food truck! 
Monday (17,556 steps) - Actually got up to do my run before work. A bit shorter than I should have done and my heart rate was a bit high for easy pace, but at least it wasn't a zillion degrees.
Hurried home to shower and work for a bit before going to Golden to pick up A for a first day of school coffee date! We did some first day pictures - and one of her dorm friends told us that Blaster was out, so we had to get some shots with him as well.

Back home for more work and an Olive walk. Went to Torchy's for lunch. I planned to drive after work but all the offers were horrible and then it started to POUR and I rushed home since I had left the windows open on accident. Had a decent amount of water I had to clean up and then I met Ben at 4 Noses. We decided to play trivia and we didn't even end up last. I always struggle with any music rounds - this was no exception. 

  • 122,820 steps
  • 17.84 miles run
  • 19.2 miles walked
  • 53 minutes of cardio
  • 60 minutes of strength

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