Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Week in Review (July 11 - July 17)

Tuesday (10,615 steps) - Peloton ride before going to work in the office. Cross training at lunch. Not sure what I did the rest of the day?
Wednesday (10,446 steps) - Bonus work from home day! Took Olive for a walk early since it was supposed to be another very hot day.

After I got off work I took Olive for another short walk around the neighborhood before heading out back for more yardwork. It's SO BAD - I still don't understand how the weeds got so widespread and TALL in just a short amount of time. 
I don't know if individually pulling every weed out is the most efficient thing, but that's what we are doing. Ben came over to mow and help. I got eaten alive by bugs, but we did make a lot of progress.
Thursday (24,365 steps) - Work from home. Another hot day in the forecast, so I did my run before work. The best part was seeing this fox a tenth of a mile into my run!!

This was another workout, with 5x6 minutes at a "faster" pace. Nailed all my paces and SUPER glad I had gotten out early for this one. At lunch I picked up Koda again to join us for a walk at lunch. 

Ariel was actually going to be home for dinner, so I picked up some gyros at Costco.
Friday (14,924 steps) - Wash Park and coffee before going to work in the office.
Actually worked from home in the afternoon since Taylor Swift concert was in town and it was projected to be quite the nightmare as the day progressed. Gave me some time to start getting all my drop bags ready!

Ariel informed me that it was National Mac and Cheese day, so I convinced Ben to take me out to dinner. We went to Hops n' Drops and I tried the Fiesta mac and cheese, and it did not disappoint!!
Saturday (17,346 steps) - "Slept in" as much as I ever do. Got trapped watching the live Hardrock coverage until Courtney finished, then Ben came over so we could do a run. Kinda wished we hadn't started so late, it was HOT.

Run was "easy" with strides, and it was overall fine. Then we went to Dunkin' for a quick breakfast/snack.l
Olive and I headed to Runners Roost in Golden for the team BBQ. Lisa, Maureen/Colfax, Tyler/Koda and me/Olive went for a short walk. It was REALLY hot though, and the dogs weren't super thrilled about the heat. (Neither were the people).
Met Ben at 4 Noses for a beer.
Sunday (10,402 steps) - No workout on schedule, but I did need to get Olive out for a walk before it got hot. I messaged Tyler to see if he wanted me to walk Koda, and he said he was feeling up for walking with us - it was nice to have the company! Even though he is injured, he said he was still planning on coming to my race to help Ben crew and drive him to the aid station where he will start pacing me. I finally got motivated and did some cleaning. It's been a while since the island was clear of junk...
Ben came by to pick me up so we could go shoe shopping. I love how he waits until the last minute to be like, "oh, my shoes have zero tread and I will die if I wear these pacing you." He had found last year's model of shoes he wears at Runners Roost in Lakewood. Hoped to also find a new pack, but he didn't like any of the options. Grabbed a beer at Parry's. Finished gathering some stuff for the race, then went to 4 Noses for a beer. Had a watch party with Ben (and Ariel actually joined when she got home from work). Where did the weekend go?
Monday (16,730 steps) - First day where it was supposed to get close to 100 degrees, so once again, did my run before work. Last run before High Lonesome was only 3 easy miles with strides. Run went fine and I appreciated getting it out of the way early. Took Olive for her walk early as well. On my lunch hour I went to Costco for one thing. Well, you know how that goes:
Had to wait until it was getting dark to take Olive out for her second walk, but then of course I got eaten alive by mosquitos. I don't necessarily "mind" summer, but I could deal without all the bugs :(

  • 104,828 steps
  • 15.53 miles run
  • 25 minutes or cardio
  • 20 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...