Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Week in Review (May 30 - June 5)

Tuesday (10,955 steps) - Work in the office. Went for a walk and did my cross training at lunch. Went for an evening walk with Olive and Ariel.
Wednesday (26,190 steps) - Work in the office. Went for a walk at lunch. After work headed up to Boulder to meet Kristin for a run. Thanks to it basically raining nonstop forever, everything is really green, plus there are flowers everywhere.
As usual, when I run with other people, I felt like I was working REALLY hard. Kristin was not planning on going as far as I was, but she agreed to go up Bear until hitting the turn off for Mesa trail. I did enjoy the company!

I had 8 miles on schedule, but realized that it was going to be a bit longer than I thought (nothing new). Not to mention, I always forget about all that additional climbing before getting back to Bear. Woof. I sent Kristin a text that I was starting the downhill and I'd meet her at Southern Sun.
I was finishing up my run and near my car when I noticed a car stopped in the street and someone yelling something at me. I looked directly to my right and saw a bear. He was actually standing on his back legs when I first looked over, but didn't capture it. He was not interested in me, he was interested in whatever was in this guy's trashcan. 
Got down to Southern Sun and Kristin had saved me a seat at the bar. We shared some quesadillas and green chili and I got a beer. Headed home before it got too late.
Thursday (20,176 steps) - Work from home. Busy day doing stuff with Ariel. Had to take her down to drop off her car to get yet another tire. Also, we turned in her viola! She is not taking orchestra next year because the music program has really sucked at her school the last few years. BUT!! With renting for all these years, she had a TON of equity saved up, and we were actually able to get (for keeps!) a new viola for her! She ended up playing for about an hour after getting home. I also had a run to get in. It was supposed to be easy - and it felt good. A took Olive for a walk while I was out running, and then later we had to go BACK to pick up her car before the next round of weather came in. I swear, I don't mind the rain, but I could do without all the hail. 
Friday (10,615 steps) - Wash Park and coffee. Work in the office. Beer with Ben after work? No recollection of this day. 
Saturday (26,159 steps) - Up (not incredibly) early. Had 8 trail miles on schedule, so we had plans to run Walker Ranch. Hoping to beat the rain (and hail), but noticing how dark the skies were on the drive up. First, we were really surprised at the number of cars in the lot. The first mile was quite lovely - then it started to rain.
Made it maybe three miles in before having to put on my jacket. I was glad to have tested it out on a training run, because it definitely is not as waterproof as I hoped! To be fair, I don't think it actually "claims" to be a rain jacket, but I've worn it in a lot of different weather and it's always held up pretty well.
By about halfway through, we were both freezing. Of course nothing to do but keep going. You can't tell, but we are drowned rats here:

As an aside, I have never seen it so green at this trail. So again, I don't necessarily MIND the rain, but a day here and there without it would be quite lovely. 

Met Ben for a beer? No idea what happened after the run, other than I did take Olive for a walk.
Sunday (22,677 steps) - Tyler picked me up around 8:30 so we could do a run at Waterton Canyon. He had looked at the forecast and thought the rain would be done around 9. Spoiler, it was not done. I had brought my trusty Salomon rain jacket for this run and decided to just start in it. It was raining at the start, and WOW, I couldn't believe how much water was on the road!
We stuck together for a mile-ish before Tyler got antsy and went off ahead. I had 90 minutes on schedule, so I planned on maybe 7-7.5 miles. By the time I saw Tyler coming down, I was almost at 4 miles, so I ended up with 8 for the day.

Also of note. My super amazing rain jacket ALSO does not seem to be waterproof anymore?? I was drenched less than halfway in. Sad, I've had this jacket for at least 4 years and it's always performed really well? To be fair, it was a literal downpour the entire time. Got home, took Olive for a walk. Probably met Ben for a beer?
Monday (23,274 steps) - Work from home. So I had an easy run on schedule, and everything was going amazing! Sun out, not raining!

But then, I came across a dead fox about a mile from home. It made me so sad. I have been seeing the fox running around the neighborhood a lot lately and to see that he had been hit by a car was super sad. Ariel and I took Olive for walk - she's very excited here:
Tons of rain again, but I did some driving and the tips were really good.

  • 140,046 steps
  • 39.69 miles run
  • 20 minutes of cardio
  • 30 minutes of strength training

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