Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Week in Review (June 13 - June 19)

Tuesday (15,200 steps) - Did my Peloton rides before going to work in the office. Did the rest of my cross training at lunch. Right after work I had to rush to get to Mt. Falcon for another evening of trail work! I was mildly surprised it didn't get cancelled since it has been raining for(seemingly)ever. 
I did something I've never done when doing trail maintenance - planted something. Look at the adorable sage bush I dug a hole for and planted. 
We even got some visitors:
It doesn't seem like a lot, but the dark dirt section me and two other people dug up, relocated some grass, planted a few bushes, and also laid some prairie seed. Trail widening is a huge problem - especially this year with how much rain we've had. At the top of the below picture others are building a new drain.

I have a great time volunteering on my local trails! I usually volunteer with TRV and Jefferson County Open Space - you can sign up here. A *very* long day, I didn't get home for dinner/relaxing until after 8:30!
Wednesday (20,137 steps) - Work in the office. Had another workout to do that was supposed to be done on a "hilly" area, so I opted to not run on my lunch hour when the weather was nice. I decided I'd rush home and run to the lake (to see the goats!) instead. Started to drizzle on me almost immediately, and then POURED, but thankfully it didn't last more than maybe 10 minutes. It was, unfortunately, humid for the rest of the run. Also, the goats are normally by the entrance, and this time they were way down by the water, so run was longer than expected.

Thursday (17,218 steps) - Work from home! I had speed work to do and the forecast was not looking great, so I went much earlier than usual in hopes of not getting rained on. It worked! I ended up doing out and backs on the bike path since I was supposed to run somewhere flat. Faster paces felt easy, worst part was the hilly run home.
Took A to get her nose pierced (nostril this time, she already has a septum piercing) at lunch since she walked Olive while I did my workout. We went to Belmar after work. Even though Maya was there, we opted to just walk - and it was lovely! We picked up Mac & Cheezy for dinner. Also - when I got home - my new watch had arrived! I sold my old Garmin on FB marketplace, and ordered a "custom" 7s. Isn't it pretty?!
Olive likes to get REALLY close when Batman comes to sit on my lap. She thinks it's amusing. He does not. 
Friday (14,589 steps) - Even A joined (with Olive!) for Wash Park! With the weather FINALLY "nice," Pete spread some of Rocket's ashes at his favorite spot. 
Kathy hosted everyone at her house for brunch and it was delicious! No recollection of the rest of the day, but I'm pretty sure I met up with Ben for a beer. Later we had a watch party and watched "Dog" which was a surprisingly good movie.
Saturday (36,726 steps) - Headed to Waterton with Ben for the long run of the weekend - 15 miles. Saw Jennifer at the trailhead! The clouds looked scary and we just hoped we wouldn't get rained on (for the umpteenth weekend in a row). On the way up, everything felt mostly fine. We were keeping a relaxed pace. FINALLY saw some sheep about 5 miles up the trail. The baby was definitely the smallest sheep I've ever seen. These two (and two additional sheep) ran up the trail in front of us for a good half mile. So adorable. 

The water in the dam was definitely raging! I've never seen it like that.
We had to head up the trail a bit and I was surprised it was in such good condition, especially considering the amount of rain we have had recently. 

We got about near the lower dam and ran into Mo!
I wish I could say that the run down was nice, but it wasn't. The dirt road felt very hard and I was soooo tired and just not into it. We got about a mile from the car when it started to rain. At least it didn't rain the whole time? Stopped at Lariat Lodge for lunch and a beer. Beer was not good, don't need to rush back to this one.
I think we had a watch party? 
Sunday (21,371 steps) - Ben picked me up at 8 for our morning trip to Summit County for a recovery run. Neither of us felt super great, but honestly, it was one of the better and more consistent runs we have had on these trails, so it was productive. 

We headed to Outer Range for a beer. Tyler met us for one! Headed back down so I could take Olive for a walk. 
We went to check out the new brewery in Superior, Bambei, and we weren't super impressed. The space is nice and they have a big food menu, but the beer was not great.
Had another watch party - some movie with Jason Statham that didn't really hold my interest. 
Monday (32,461 steps) - Since I didn't have work for Juneteenth, I headed up to Evergreen to do Bergen Peak for the first time this year. I picked a good day to get out of Denver, as even in the "mountains" it was REALLY warm and sunny.

No matter how many times I come to these trails, I always seem to get confused and nothing ever looks familiar. I was "sure" that I went up the way I normally come down. Nope, when I finally got to the junction to head to the summit I was where I always am. The hiking up felt hard, but then again, it always does.
I had expected this to take me about three hours based on historical efforts, yet managed to get to the top in just over 90 minutes, so I knew I would be done sooner.

Beautiful day!
I was home in time for me and A to get Dunkin and then take Olive for a walk. Even though it was a zillion degrees, we got motivated and decided to tackle the disaster that is the backyard. We spent over an hour pulling weeds. They haven't been great, since the first year we were in the house, but the constant rain definitely allowed them to get out of control.
THEN, I had to get my mammogram. I hoped to do some deliveries but nothing was happening, so I went to Costco to pick up a few things and then met Ben at 4 Noses. A had to work, so I vegged out watching Nip/Tuck. Finally had to turn on the AC. Summer is officially here.

  • 157,702 steps
  • 42.73 miles run
  • 35 minutes of cardio
  • 40 minutes of strength training

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