Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Week in Review (April 27 - May 3)

Tuesday (12,555 steps) - Work in the office. Went for a walk at lunch.
I met Ben at New Image for a beer.
Made dinner when we got home. Every color of the rainbow for this one!
Wednesday (11,286 steps) - Work from home. I had my second vaccine shot during lunch, which was pretty quick, just like the first one that I had gotten. Was really hoping I wouldn't have any negative side effects!
I stopped in Broomfield to go for a walk. It was nice weather for it and not too much mud, which was nice.

After work I did a Peloton ride and a strength video, and took Pika for a short walk.
Thursday (11,955 steps) - Work from home. Went for a walk at lunch with Pika and the owls were out again!
After Ariel was done with practice we all headed over to Berkeley Park. They were having their first event since pre-pandemic times! We walked around the lake with Mo and Colfax and then hung out behind the shop. It was a fun time socializing, I got a new (signed) book, and I won a pair of socks!
Home very late (for us), thankfully Ben had pre-made dinner so we just had to heat it up.
Friday (13,580 steps) - Work in the office. I was up early to go to Wash Park to walk with Pete and Rocket. We went to Stella's for coffee, although we both had to head out early-ish. Work was ok, I had planned on going to lunch with Nicole, but she got bogged down with meetings and had to bail. I picked up a salad at Mod Market and made my first attempt since January(?) to buy some new clothes. Was not impressed with anything. Opened up my email to discover I had been accepted as a Zensah ambassador! Pretty excited for this. I have been wearing Zensah bras on and off since 2010 (basically since the inception of this blog!) and the socks for ages. I love the fun & funky compression of them.
Saturday (27,264 steps) - Ariel had an early practice at the school, so I had mapped out a route I planned to run while she was at practice. I knew I wouldn't have time to go somewhere else and I wanted to run before it got too hot. (PS, I failed at that). The first few miles felt pretty good (I would later note that it was all downhill in my Garmin data), although I apparently missed the fact that there was a 5K happening at the lake, which I had to kinda run right through.
About a half hour in was when I definitely started to get tired and REALLY hot. I walked a lot more than I have been, but I guess I also haven't really been doing "flatter" running lately, so I don't know that that's a surprise. What WAS A surprise was running into Laurie! She moved to Montrose about a year ago, so that a random incident to see her out for a run in my neck of the woods!

This was NOT a fun run. I felt very out of shape and it was a LOT warmer than I expected. I had initially planned on adding a bit of mileage, but didn't have time because I was going so slow. A finished up just a few minutes after I got there. Ben and I invited Greg and Tyler to join us for beers at Over Yonder since the weather was so nice.
Even though I had put on sunscreen I got a horrible sunburn. Grrr.... Later that evening Ariel and I put some highlights in our hair.
Sunday (26,166 steps) - Up early to go to Runners Roost in Boulder. I had plans of starting the "group run" early and then meeting Tyler to do a little extra miles and run down with him. He smokes me on climbs, but I can usually keep up on the downhill.

I hadn't run in this part of Boulder in a while and my run took me right by the King Soopers where the shooting occurred a while back. The whole parking lot is still fenced off with thousands of memorials.

It was already getting hot when I started out, but it was a beautiful day. I was glad that I had started early because I wasn't really feeling it. I was walking a TON.

Remains of... something

I finally got up to where I expected to run into Tyler, but I still hadn't seen him. I was doing some out and backs up Shadow and at the dead end for Bear just to get some additional mileage and vert. 

Finally I saw him and we headed down... just as the dark clouds were starting to roll in. We took a bit of a detour that took a little bit of mileage out, just to try to get back a bit sooner.

We literally got back to the store as it started to rain. By the time I was a few miles done the road it was POURING - to the point that people were actually pulling off the road because it was coming down so hard and it was tough to see. The further east I got, the better it was. But wow, it was RAINY there for a few.

We took Pika for a walk at lunch - and it almost looked like nothing had happened all day.
I decided to straighten and style my  hair to see what it looked like with the new color in it. It looks a lot brighter than I can see when I look in the mirror. I never do my hair anymore, so this is basically a one and done.
We decided to go to 4 Noses since it wasn't raining, and Tyler met us there. When it started to look rainy out we figured we better head home in case it started to hail. It didn't, but it POURED all night.
Monday (10,744 steps) - Work from home. It was rainy all morning. By the time I took Pika out at lunch I managed to find a window when it was just drizzling and not pouring rain. It was still not fun. We saw a mangy coyote run across the road though, and that was exciting
I did a short rowing session, did an upper body video and then did a Peloton ride when I got off work. Ben went shopping and also picked me up some gorgeous flowers. Isn't he thoughtful?
We are currently watching the Netflix show "Away," it's kind of a bummer knowing that it never gets past the first season.

  • 113,550 steps
  • 16.22 miles run
  • 25 minutes Peloton
  • 10 minutes rowing
  • 25 minutes cross training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...