Friday, January 15, 2021

Week in Review (January 5 - January 11)

Tuesday (10,573 steps) - Work from home and a "heavy" 5K with Pika at lunch. It's been a while since this run, but I assume it was fine.
Wednesday (20,374 steps) - Work in the office in the morning, home in time to take Pika for a walk.
Got in a row session late afternoon, then went for a run in Boulder with Pika, Tyler, Mike and Kristin.
Trails were actually not in bad shape, there were only a few small patches of ice.
Thursday (10,906 steps) - Work from home. Got in a row and a longer walk with Pika.
Friday (10,398 steps) - Work from home. Walk with Pika at lunch and a short afternoon row.
Saturday (14,022 steps) - Cooler morning. Went for what was supposed to be 25 minutes (easyish) with Ariel and Pika. It was NOT easy-ish. Since Ben was working we picked up Tokyo Joe's for lunch, took Pika for a walk, and sat on our amazing mammoth couch.
I actually decided to NOT post the pictures I post to Facebook earlier in the day. Mainly because I know I have some blog lurkers that don't need to see certain things. Basically, I've put on a bit more weight than I'd like - let's blame "happy weight" from being with Ben for the last few years. I've been slowly building the motivation to cut back on beer and get back on a path of eating better and doing activity other than running. I was really overjoyed that my step and barbell/weights finally showed up. I can't wait to get started using these when the basement is finished.

Sunday (24,077 steps) - Thankfully the roads weren't awful from our snow the night before. Out the door early to meet Jeramiah and Tyler for a (new to me) trail in Boulder. Because of COVID, the trail heads are free right now! We didn't really expect to be breaking trail, but we were... the lower part of the trail was a bit more rocky than I'd like, but by the time we were coming down, it was quite enjoyable. I had worried that I was going to be cold on this run, but since there was no wind it was actually nice!

After lunch Ben and I went to get the flooring for the basement, as well as the tile that we need to fix up the bathroom. We found some stuff we like - and since we had to rip up half the bathroom anyway, we are going to the extreme, and making the rest of the bathroom custom. We are having a custom walk-in shower built, and found some cool river rock for the basin and accents.

Tile for the floor (this is three separate tiles pictures)
Long day and none of us felt like cooking, so we picked up Qdoba for dinner.
Monday (16,456 steps) - Work from home. 

So back in December, I had made a goal to at least get dressed every day. I didn't succeed, because working from home, it's so much easier to just roll out of bed and get on the computer. I'm not ashamed (really). Day 1 of attempting to (mostly) follow a coaching plan! On the schedule was a 40 minute run, and I took it easy, it actually FELT kind of easy, and I didn't walk once! That is SO rare. Also took Pika for a walk afterwards and we saw a bald eagle! We see them every once in a while flying around, but perched in a tree is rare.
  • 106,806 steps
  • 20 miles run
  • 68 minutes rowing

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Week in Review (March 4 - March 10)

Tuesday  (15,531 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch, and once again, someone was on the StairM...