Friday, November 20, 2020

Week in Review (November 10 - November 16)

Tuesday (17,678 steps) - Work from home, walked Pika during lunch. GMB run club! Ran with Mo for 4 miles and then had one beer on the patio. Getting a bit too cold for patio beers...
Wednesday (19,886 steps) - Work from home. Was inspired early in the day to try a new pot roast recipe in the crock pot. Good thing, apparently it takes forever to cook!
It looked much better after it was done, but apparently no picture of that
Ariel and I took Pika down to Denver to run with our old run club at Roost. After 4 miles we were treated to Biden winning / Dave's birthday cupcakes and Kahlua hot chocolate. Soooo nice to see people I haven't seen in ages, and I love that they bring camp chairs and socialize outside safely.
Thursday (11,946 steps) - Work from home. Ben's surgery was scheduled for 1:30, with him needing to check in at 1. I had to run by the office to get some work done on the way down (because of course the surgery center was over 45 minutes away). After all that, his surgery ended up being delayed nearly FOUR HOURS. WTF. I went to pho for lunch, went for a very long walk, then watched nearly a half dozen episodes of "The End of the F**cking World" in the car. 

Finally, after 8:30, Ben was wheeled out and we headed home, picking up pizza on the way. A's friend Rachelle was over for the weekend (she is the only friend she has been socializing with since quarantine started) and the girls were super loud and giggly all night.
Friday (11,593 steps) - Work from home. Took Pika for walks. We had happy hour on our porch and it was wonderful that in addition to Tyler, Jeramiah and Kristin and Doug came to share a beer. We were able to give everyone the details about our upcoming home purchase, which was fun.
Saturday (17,566 steps) - Slept in. It was incredibly windy all morning, and I was REALLY regretting that I had decided to meet Kristin for a run around lunch time. Took Pika with me, and we actually had a pretty decent run, the wind was not nearly as bad as we feared. Later, the girls decided to bake cookies:
I went to Dairy Queen to pick up a cake for A's birthday! It's crazy that she is now 15 years old. 15!? How is that even possible? Ben made burgers and sweet potato tots for dinner before we dug into the cake.

Ben and I stayed up and watched the newest Terminator movie, which actually wasn't nearly as terrible as I thought it might be.
Sunday (32,908 steps) - Up early to go to Boulder. Met Kristin, Tyler and Jeramiah for a run. The trails were incredibly deserted, I guess most people don't like to start runs at 7 am in the winter? The trails were actually in really good shape, and I felt... not bad. There were some icy sections on the way back, and I had one fall from sliding, but nothing terrible. The wind really picked up the last few miles, we were definitely glad that we had started earlier and weren't spending all 12+ miles in gale force winds.

Ben made mountain breakfast, but outside of that I can't remember anything else from the weekend. Sigh.
Monday (12,113 steps) - Work from home. Pika walks. Tokyo Joe's had sent me a free entrée coupon for my half birthday, so I cashed that in.
Rachelle finally got picked up --- quiet ensued!

  • 123,690 steps
  • 24.4 miles run
  • No cross training

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