Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Week in Review (September 15 - September 21)

Tuesday (17,084 steps) - Work in the office. I had an incredibly frustrating day trying to deal with AT&T trying to move A from the prepaid plan she has been on for years to my regular plan. It had all started the day before when I was in my account and saw a promo for $1 a month for an iPhone XS when you added a line to your account. Long story short, after TWO DAYS, I could not get an order to go through and apparently I finally hit the threshold for frustration I'm willing to deal with. I stopped at T-Mobile on my way to run club and switched us over. I didn't leave with phones because A would have to bring hers in to trade, and mine had to be ordered.

Green Mountain Brewery run club!! I met up with Maureen and Lisa to run some easy miles. Well, the miles *should* have been easy, but it felt relatively hard with the aches and pains I've had lately.
I stuck around long enough to have a beer. There were a lot of people from the Belmar run club there, so it was nice to see people that I haven't seen in a long time!
Wednesday (20,450 steps) - Work from home. Smoky walk with Pika at lunch. Some running around in the afternoon getting A's phone transferred over and set up. It's been a long time since I have had to do that, and wow, it is soooo complicated now. But at least one of us is gone, and one to go! Back to Boulder with Tyler for an "easy" loop. Crazy to see the leaves changing already.

Ben surprised me with my favorite, sunflowers, for our two year anniversary. He's so sweet!
Thursday (17,143 steps) - Work in the office. Literally don't think anything else happened, other than we had happy hour with Tyler and he gave us an early wedding present - a GoPro!!
Friday (16,926  steps) - Work from home. Ariel actually invited me to go with her for her one mile shake out run. I haven't run with her in MANY months, and I'm just glad that her shake out pace is something I can do, haha. My new phone finally showed up, and I was able to get to T-Mobile to get everything transferred over. Unfortunately, getting the stupid thing set up was very annoying and time consuming, so I wasn't able to use it initially.
iOS 14 update takes FOREVER and I couldn't skip it. Grrr.
I had to leave work early so that we could make the drive to Wiggins for another cross country meet for Ariel. Where is Wiggins, you ask? Well, about an hour away in the middle of nowhere. She had to be there by 5:30, on a Friday, and of course we had rush hour we had to battle to get her there. The air quality was horrid, but she had a good race, finally!

By the time we got home it was LATE, but Ben still made burgers - because of National Cheeseburger Day, of course!
Saturday (33,640 steps) - Snow Mountain Ranch half marathon.
After the race, Maureen and I met up with Greg at Cabin Creek for lunch and a beer. Even though the weather had been pretty mild in Granby, it was quite chilly sitting on the patio in Georgetown.
When we got back into town, we all met up with Ben (and Pika) at Over Yonder for a beer.
Another Pika walk and watching Netflix.
Sunday (18,785 steps) - Ariel and I were up pretty early to go to Brighton to meet up with friends for a virtual "Beat the Blerch" race. We had no intention of racing, but we thought it would be fun to join people for some miles, since the weather was nice and it was a small loop course (about 1.3 miles). First, we walked a loop with Ang:

We had some snacks, and I ended up running three loops with the group, which was a lot of fun, especially since they were doing a run/walk - and I loooove walking. 
Headed home around noon. By the way, it's Robin Sparkles' birthday! We adopted her five years ago and were told she was 5, so we assume this was her 10th birthday.

Took Pika for a sunset walk.
Monday (14,117 steps) - Work from home. Walks at lunch and after dinner, and apparently nothing else.

  • 138,145 steps
  • 26.4 miles run
  • No cross training, again.

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...