Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Week in Review (May 5 - May 11)

Tuesday (47,369 steps) - Work from home.

After work I routed a non-repetitive loop so I could run the RMRR Virtual run for May. (Which I cleverly called, Virtual de Cinco de Mile-o, hahaha). It went better than expected and since the early section was on road I didn't have nearly the crowding as if I had stayed on all dirt.

I had ordered tacos earlier in the day to surprise Ben for Taco Tuesday/Cinco de Mayo. Unfortunately, it was an absolute disaster. First off, Torchy's menu is much smaller during quarantine. They also bit off way more than they could chew and were HOURS behind. So I had scheduled for a 7:30 pick up, and Ben ended up picking up on his way home around 8:30. After getting home, I realized they hadn't given us our queso, so we went back out. They were closing and had dozens of orders that were never picked up - they told us we could take as much as we wanted because they were just throwing stuff out anyway.

Wednesday (52,635 steps) -  Ran Tyler's loop again. I really like this run, especially during the week. First, I like that I'm not repeating anything, and also there seems to be WAY fewer people on it in general.
Pika walk!
Thursday (27,427 steps) - Worked a half day in the office. Rest day.

We are obviously anything but traditional, so when I was looking online a few weeks ago for stamp options, I came across these cool T-Rex stamps... which is what we ended up ordering to send out our Save the Dates... haha
Friday (38,063 steps) - Another rest day! We picked up beer from 4 Noses, and we were happy to see that they had some guest beers from Outer Range! We finally had a game night, and it was a lot of fun.
Saturday (39,973 steps) - Slept in, and was not sure what I had planned on running until I was actually out doing it. I was getting sick of even my normal long run routes, and did something completely different. Initially I thought I would just do my regular route in reverse to mix it up, but then I found myself on a detour and ran near my old 'hood. That was different and I really didn't see many people at all.

I also saw my first snake of the season! Ben and Ariel have been seeing them quite a bit, but this was a first for me. I almost missed him because he was slithering by as I crossed. Eeek.

Ben's mom has been sending Ariel art supplies and she made this adorable drawing with glitter gel pens.
Sunday (24,693 steps) - Mother's Day! I woke up unsure if I wanted to run, I wasn't really feeling great. However, the weather was pretty cool and Ben was planning on taking a rest day and making breakfast. I went out to run Tyler's loop, and about halfway through my back started hurting pretty bad. I had to do a lot more walking than planned, and I was feeling pretty bad by the time I got home.

Another great day for painted rocks!

When I got back, Ben and Ariel surprised me with some Mother's Day gifts. Ariel of course made me one of her amazing cards, and they got me flowers, cupcakes and more beer! Best gifts ever!

More Pika walks!

Monday (42,097 steps) - Work from home, and another rest day. My back was feeling pretty terrible and I didn't sleep well. I sleep on my stomach and for whatever reason, that made my back hurt even more. Ugh.
I thought this picture was funny - everyone wants treats!
  • 272,257 steps
  • 34.1miles run

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Week in Review (February 25 - March 3)

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