Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Week in Review (April 28 - May 4)

Tuesday (35,666 steps) - Work from home. A not terrible run.

Pika walking at sunset!
Wednesday (36,576 steps) - Ran Tyler's loop, uneventful and not too many people, which is always nice. More Pika walking.

Thursday (23,552 steps) - I'm at the point where now that I went into the office once, people want me there a bit more. I went in again in the morning, but just for a few hours. Rest day from running, but Pika still needs walks.
Friday (35,699 steps) - Had to go in to work for about an hour, which was annoying, but a lot better than being there all day, especially when we have to wear masks inside now. More Pika walks!
I liked this rock, but "Seuss" is misspelled, and that irritates me
We picked up new beer from 4 Noses for happy hour at home.
Saturday (35,585 steps) - Slept in and had another long run where I wasn't really feeling that well.

Between my run and walking Pika, it was a pretty good day for finding painted rocks! I am not picking up and/or relocating any of these, I just take a picture of them. I think they are fun to look for and find.

THIS ONE WAS AWESOME! Especially with the googly eyes
We spent some time on the patio for the first time this year. Pika likes lounging outside. Kinda wish we had more space though.
Sunday (29,231 steps) - For the first time during quarantine, I was really getting tired of running by myself. I have been running with headphones in and zoning out, and finally, on this day, I found myself missing my training group. Not a great run, but I've had worse.

Monday (26,899 steps) - Rest day for running.

One thing I will say, we are really lucky to live where we do. We are able to get out and be on the dirt every day, and outside of the million people we encounter, it's pretty.

Also - today is Batman Sour's birthday! Happy 5 years to this tiny trouble-maker!

  • 223,208 steps
  • 31 miles run

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Week in Review (February 25 - March 3)

Tuesday  (15,764 steps) - Peloton and walked Olive before going to work in the office. StairMaster and a strength training at lunch. Took Ol...