Tuesday (50,070 steps) - Work from home. My back was still not feeling great, so I took an extra day off. You might be wondering how I have so many steps if I'm not running... Well, things started to escalate during our last step challenge at work. I have been taking breaks throughout the day and walking on the treadmill to break things up.
Wednesday (48,567 steps) - Work from home. My back was feeling a little better, but I didn't want to run too far, so I opted for a mostly paved loop. It was kinda meh.
Ariel and I have named this adorable kitty Pablo |
Thursday (23,405 steps) - Went to the office for a few hours in the morning. Arrived home at lunch to find the most bizarre shipment on my porch. We love the random stuff that Ben's mom sends us. (Later she told us that she thought using pool noodles for social distancing would be funny).
A second shipment came later in the day. A 1000 piece round puzzle. Ben isn't a huge fan of puzzles, and Ariel and I thought it would be fun to get started on it. I forgot how addictive puzzles are!!
Pika walks!
Batman was a little too interested in the puzzle pieces. Every time we left the table for more than a few minutes we had to put up all the pieces so he wouldn't steal any of them.
For just a few hours, we made a pretty decent amount of progress! I'm not even sure I have done a round puzzle before, so this was pretty challenging.
Friday (21,660 steps) - Rest day! The day was filled with walking Pika, FINISHING the puzzles, and picking up new beer from 4 Noses - which included a 4 Noses & Outer Range compilation!
Ben's mom apparently bought the same puzzle, and initially she thought it would be fun to compare progress. She has no idea what I can do when I set my obsessive mind to it. Haha.
Saturday (21,565 steps) - For the first time since we have been quarantined, I agreed to meet up with friends for a short trail run. So this was the first run with anyone besides Ben or Ariel, AND the first time I had driven somewhere to run in two over two months. I met Jeramiah and Kristin at the trail head for White Ranch - a trail that I have only run once. The weather was a little sketchy and we got rained on a bit, but between the weather and getting there early, we really didn't see many people. Oh how I have missed trails!!!!
We also had our first "porch happy hour" with Tyler!!
Pika walks!
Sunday (30,405 steps) - Ben and I don't run together a ton. It's more of a "me" issue than a "him" issue. He is just so much faster than I am, it always makes me feel weird. But since it was my birthday weekend, we decided to head to Boulder for another trail run. It was AWESOME!! The early miles, we really didn't see many people. Obviously as the day progressed it was busier, but still not terrible. We also saw another snake!!
This one was definitely a rattlesnake! |
Pika walk!
Ben also planned a pretty elaborate "quarantine" birthday for me. First, Kristin stopped by! The Market, which used to make my favorite Spring Fling cake closed a few months ago (for good!) but they shared their recipe and Ben recruited her to make me the cake.
Ben and Ariel got me some pretty great gifts - it's like we've already been married a decade. How many people get excited about a cheese slicer and a new kitchen faucet?
Ben also managed to set up a Zoom call where a bunch of people called in and joined me for chatting and birthday shenanigans.
Another nighttime walk, and then it was time to cut the cake and have Ariel and Ben sing to me.
Monday (41,782 steps) - My actual birthday. I can't think of anything that sucks more than a Monday birthday during quarantine. At least the day before was good. Work from home and a rest day. Our friend Ang stopped by to drop off a birthday present and chat for a few minutes.
A beer mask, how fitting! Thanks, Ang! |
Ariel made me a very cute card!
All in all, an uneventful day.
- 237,454 steps
- 18.5 miles run