Thursday, January 30, 2020

Week in Review (January 21 - January 27)

Tuesday (19,292 steps) - Core class during lunch. I wasn't feeling great all day because of my cold, and was planning on skipping Milk Market. UNTIL I REMEMBERED IT WAS MAC & CHEESE NIGHT. I ended up going anyway and ran with Paula (it was pretty awful, I had to take a few walk breaks), but glad I went.

They didn't make nearly as much food as they have in the past. We watched World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles, which I didn't find very interesting.
Wednesday (16,598 steps) - Upper body class during lunch. Runners Roost Boulder!
Ben and Ariel decided they wanted to run the trails. We did the route I don't love, which is going up Bear first - a long, nearly 2 mile long gradual uphill. I didn't feel great, but I think I ran more than I usually do - although it was slow.

Thursday (10,781 steps) - No gym during lunch because I went out with people from work for a going away shindig. Got my mile in right after getting home from work.
Another track meet! This time, she picked running the 300 - and was in the very last heat and second to last event. Another long night, but she ran great!

Thankfully, Ben had made food in the crock pot before the meet and we had tacos for dinner.
Friday (12,478 steps) - Lower body class during lunch. Ben ended up working last minute, so A and I were on our own for dinner. I reverted back to my old ways and made grilled cheese with egg and took Pika for a walk.
Met Ben at Denver Beer Company.
Saturday (25,484 steps) - First run with Rev Running!! The Saturday runs are pretty informal, and I picked the slowest pace group to run with. I was actually in the front of that group, maybe the back of the next group. I ran with a gal named Jen who was really friendly.

8 miles done - but it was a lot harder than it should have been. Drove to Brighton to take A to her friend's house for a sleepover. Ben and I went to Chipotle for lunch, then went to Odyssey for drinks. Later, we went with Tyler and the dogs for a walk.

Big excitement of the night was Ben's number getting called on the wait list for Moab 240 - we are both officially in now!! Watched "Instant Family" and ordered in Chinese food.
Sunday (17,448 steps) - Berkeley Park Sunday run at North Table!
I was struggling, so after the first few miles I kept Pika so Ben could actually get a good run in. Weather was so warm for January that I ended up doing most of the run in my bra!

Even though it was chilly, socialized on the patio for a bit before heading home. Ate leftover Chinese food and then napped for two hours. Went for a walk to the lake.
Then we all watched "White House Down." Another weekend gone in the blink of an eye...
Monday (13,739 steps) - Went to the gym during lunch only to discover the trainer was out sick. Since I was already changed, I still walked on the treadmill. Blah. After work I had to go to an HOA budget presentation, which was thrilling. Went for our walk, then dinner.
  • 115,820 steps
  • 21.7 miles run
  • 3 gym classes 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Week in Review (January 14 - January 20)

Tuesday (12,863 steps) - Core class during lunch. I told Ben I would skip going to Milk Market since I wasn't planning on running. We met up at 4 Noses for happy hour before picking up groceries & pizza for dinner. Took Pika for a walk to get our mile in.
Wednesday (12,223 steps) - Upper body class during lunch. Runners Roost Boulder! Ben was still too sore to run, so it was just me and Ariel. We arrived in time for the trail run picture but planned on run/walking the 5k road route. Tyler and Kevin/Koda decided to join us. It wasn't great, but I've certainly had worse runs. Surprise quesadillas and french fries!
Home early so A could get homework done.
Thursday (12,058 steps) - Core class during lunch. A had another track meet. I was hoping that we would get out earlier because she chose a shorter distance, but no such luck. Her pace was significantly faster than when she ran the 800, but man, these kids she races against are SPEEDY.

We were still there after 9:00 and didn't eat dinner until after 10 because we still had to get our mile in. Ugh!
Friday (11,470 steps) - Lower body class during lunch. Met up with Ben, Pika and A at Berkeley Park.
Walked around the lake and then stuck around for a panel/presentation for Tour de Geants. It was pretty interesting, but also really crowded and chaotic.
Saturday (14,566 steps) - Initially I planned on doing the Australia Relief Run from Berkeley Park. But then, when my alarm went off, I decided not to. Stayed in bed fairly late before going out with Ben and Pika for a run. Crazy how "hard" less than 5 miles was. Blech.

A didn't want to do anything, so she stayed home with Pika while Ben and I went to Boulder. I first returned the snow pants I bought, then we hit up a few new breweries. I was extremely disappointed in all of them.

Pizza again (yes, we ate the street tacos for pre-dinner).
Sunday (16,002 steps) - Up early for snowshoeing with Always Choose Adventures! On the drive up I was wondering if there was even going to be enough snow, but once we got to Brainard Lake area it seemed like there would be enough. Ben was able to rent snowshoes (for only $10 from ACA!) and we started a tad after 9:00. The first few miles were good, weather was fine. I did notice my shoulder was a bit angsty (STILL from my Tahoe injury), but overall not bad. As we got closer to the lake the wind picked up and things were pretty miserable.
We huddled under a pavilion area and ate our sandwiches while deciding what to do next. Opted to just get close enough to the lake to get a picture, then headed back down.

Luckily, as we entered the trees the wind died back down.
I just REALLY do not enjoy the wind. At all. We went to Busey Brews (formerly James Peak) in Nederland for food/drinks. THEN, we stopped at Heather's house - she is heading out soon on her yearlong road trip. She made us a delicious pork bbq pizza! We took A and Pika home, and then Ben and I went to 4 Noses. Watched The Day After Tomorrow.
Monday (10,201 steps) - Slept in AGAIN! We had briefly talked about running at some point, but that never happened.
We did a lot of chores around the house, recycled the Christmas tree, ate lunch at Qdoba and drove down to Lakewood. Trish & Heller had offered Trish's old bike to Ariel, so we wanted to make sure that she would be able to ride it. Initially we had thought about going for a walk at Crown Hill, but we couldn't figure out how to lock the bike safely in the truck. Stopped at Target to pick up some cleaning supplies and then took Pika for a walk at the lake.
Where did this day even go? Pretty sure we had frozen pizza for dinner, watched 2012. The cold I've felt coming on for a few days finally hit full force and it was fairly miserable with all the sneezing and nose-blowing.

  • 89,383 steps
  • 7.3 miles run
  • Four gym classes & snowshoeing!

So I mentioned a few posts ago that my weight has gotten out of control over the last few months. I blame it on beer and actually being happy, haha. I've been making a fairly conscious effort to drink less (rarely drinking during the week, if at all) and if we go to a brewery I try to get a smaller size than a pint and sip it. It's made a difference so far, and I'm done almost 5 pounds since the first of the year. I'd love to drop another 10 before my big spring races.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Week in Review (January 7 - January 13)

Tuesday (20,516 steps) - Core class during lunch.
Milk Market run club! There were a ton of new people, but it was nice that we all (mostly) stuck together as a group.
Not as awful as usual, ran the first half with Lisa & second half with Paula. Pizza and salad for dinner! Finished packing for race weekend!
Wednesday (16,705 steps) - Upper body class during lunch. New format, and I liked it. Runners Roost Boulder!
Since we have a race, we opted to start at the trail head. I felt like crap the entire run. Even the downhill sections weren't great.
Thursday (12,781 steps) - Core class during lunch. Went for a quick walk with A after I got home to get our mile in before going to Ariel's first track meet of the season. After her experience last year with the longer distance, she opted to go for the 800m. She started out a bit fast and ran a little slower than she hoped, but overall did great!

Late night, we stopped at Qdoba on the way home and picked up dinner.
Friday (10,281 steps) - Up at the ungodly hour of 2:30 in the morning. When are we going to learn to NOT book these stupid 5 am flights?? Was not able to sleep on the flight, so I watched most of "A Star is Born." Landed a few minutes and Lisa picked us up at the airport. We headed into south Austin and met up with Heather for coffee. After that we decided we better start heading down south before the predicted storms hit. Not surprisingly, the first stop was Nomadic Brewing in south Austin. Ben and I each got a beer and we split a soft pretzel because we were starving.
Continued the drive south, and stopped at Freiheit, a cute "country store," for lunch. Delicious burgers & tater tots.
We found another brewery, Guadalupe Brewing, in New Braunfels that had probably the best beer I've ever had in my life - a German Chocolate Stout.
Finally, we were done with breweries and we went to Landa Park to wander around and get our steps in.

By now, we had killed enough time that we could head to Bandera Park to pick up our bibs. I wanted to know what the entry situation was going to be like so we wouldn't end up with unknown delays. Good thing we did this!! It was a lot of dirt roads and turned out it was further away than we thought.
Right as we got out of the car to get our bibs, it started to rain. And then it POURED. AND THEN IT HAILED. Torrential rain/hail was coming down for what seemed like forever. We still needed to get food for the morning, as well as dinner. We stopped at the Bandera Brewery where they had karaoke night & BBQ.

Ben was in touch with the BnB and we found out that due to the storm our place didn't have any power. Okkkk.... Finally the rain tapered a bit and we drove into "town" and picked up groceries and then arrived much later than planned at the BnB. Super cute location.
I guess the only real picture I got inside was of A and the "vintage" phone (no, it wasn't working)
By the time we ate some snacks and finalized stuff it was late. The power kept going on and off, and I was in bed much later than planned.
Saturday (94,441 steps) - Bandera 100K.
Sunday (33,511 steps) - We left the race somewhere around 5 am, not getting to the BnB until the sun was coming up, maybe 5:45 or 6. I was too wired to go right to bed. Took a shower and then had a beer and went to bed without setting an alarm since the hosts said we could check out whenever we wanted. Turns out when my body wanted to wake up was 9:45 in the morning. Talk about defective. I was the only one up for a while and I could NOT believe how sore I was. Seriously, I practically walked most of it.
Cat - aka "Sweet Pea" - the feral cat that lived on the property. So cute!
Packed up all our crap and cleaned up around the BnB. I was watching the Vermont 100 lottery via Facebook live when we finally headed out towards Austin. Which, by the way, we just missed entry & are at the top of the wait list!
We stopped at our first brewery, Rough Diamond, where I had a "meh" oatmeal stout. There was some confusion over food/mapping and we ended up missing where we originally planned to go and ended up eating at Slab, a BBQ joint in south Austin. Ariel, Lisa & I walked a mile while waiting for food. Stopped at one more brewery, Hi Sign, before heading to the airport.
Her & His buckles!
Had time for half a beer before boarding the plane. Still couldn't sleep & watched the rest of "A Star is Born" and part of "Yesterday." Landed a few minutes early, but it was still after 11 pm. Uneventful drive home, but still in bed after 12:30 am. Longest day/shortest weekend ever.
Monday (10,085 steps) - Took the day off from the gym since it was a lower body class. Work dragged by.
Took Pika for a walk, had spaghetti for dinner, watched part of "Edward Scissorhands" and went to bed crazy early.

  • 198,320 steps
  • 71.5 miles run
  • 3 gym classes

Week in Review (March 11 - March 17)

Tuesday  (15,495 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch. Had to do my strength training first beca...