Monday, December 9, 2019

Week in Review (November 19 - November 25)

Tuesday (18,283 steps) - Pika walk before work with a stunning sunrise.
Strength class during lunch. Sadly, no Milk Market run club because someone rented out the space for the night. Instead, Ben and I went for a run by the lake with Pika. Last run before vacation, and it did not feel easy.
Ben made a delicious spaghetti dinner and we watched a few episodes of Jack Ryan.
Wednesday (9,315 steps) - Core class during lunch. A's leadership meeting was cancelled sorta last minute. Since I wasn't done packing anyway, we opted to stay home.
Thursday (14,230 steps) - Decided to not go in to work after all (initially had planned on maybe working a half day). A woke me up when she was leaving for school and Pika and I walked her part way. It was super icy and I fell more than once. Stupid winter. Finalized most of my packing and later in the morning went to the grocery store to pick up last minute food for our flight. Pre-flight beer at home.
Ben and I picked up Ariel on at 11:45 (and I found out that we should have filled out some super special form since she was going to be missing 3.5 days of school, whoops). Thankfully the snow wasn't as bad as predicted and the drive to the airport was not that bad. To be continued in separate blog posts - click the links! Australia - Days 1 -3 (DEN to LAX to MEL, Maru Koala & Animal Park, Phillip Island)
Friday (1,427 steps) - Australia Days 1-3 (DEN to LAX to MEL, Maru Koala & Animal Park, Phillip Island)
Saturday (7,960 steps) - Australia Days 1-3 (DEN to LAX to MEL, Maru Koala & Animal Park, Phillip Island)
Sunday (53,446 steps) - Australia Day 4 (Run for the Young marathon and Frankston Beach)
Monday (16,077 steps) - Australia Day 5 (Great Ocean Road, Erskine Falls, Loch Ard Gorge & Mob o' Roos)

  • 120,738 steps
  • 30.9 miles run
  • Two gym classes

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