Thursday, June 20, 2019

Week in Review (June 11 - June 17)

Tuesday (18,797 steps) - Strength class during lunch. A had a dentist appointment, so we headed back downtown for run club at Milk Market (not realizing there was an evening Rockies game, so traffic was horrid). Not-so-fun run on the Cherry Creek Trail.
Dinner was Caesar salad.
Gas, groceries, in bed reasonably early.
Wednesday (20,737 steps) - Core class during lunch. Didn't realize there was an afternoon Rockies game and traffic was a nightmare leaving work. Barely had enough time to get A and change clothes before heading to Boulder.
Mike was in charge and once again picked NCAR (my least favorite Boulder route). It was hot and I was suffering a lot. I got my awesome prize for winning the National Running Day challenge, and we talked to celebrity Darcy Piceu for a few minutes before heading home.

A had actually made dinner (in the crockpot) and it was delicious!
Bed later than I hoped.
Thursday (17,890 steps) - Went to Belmar and walked the little loop with Mo and Colfax.
We stuck around for the raffle - and A (actually ME, since I forced her to take a raffle ticket) won some cool Wonder Woman Goodrs!
Then we went over to the Alamo to see "The Dead Don't Die" - it was super funny and silly.
Friday (9,263 steps) - Went to lunch with Jessa - hadn't seen her in ages. It was good to catch up! Left work a few minutes early to pick up A, then immediately headed out. Met up with the Heathers (Baxter & Savage) for a beer and snack in Golden.
Headed up the hill and met Ben at Cheba Hut in Dillon for dinner. Quick trip to the grocery store, in bed reasonably early, although Ben either has allergies or ebola and was downing meds.
Saturday (38,948 steps) - Leadville Heavy Half!

Had pizza and took Pika for a walk.
Sunday (5,473 steps) - Obviously, we did nothing. Slept in, lounged around. Went to Outer Range.
Took Pika for a walk. Watched TV. Bed.
Monday (9,928 steps) - Up early to drive home to shower before work. Super tired all day. Rainy, and not in the mood to run, so I didn't. Home for laundry, leftovers, trying out a new vest (that isn't going to work) and in bed crazy early.
I want to love this pack, but it's just not practical in terms of pockets!
  • 121,036 steps
  • 23.5 miles run - TAPER!
  • Two classes

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Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...