Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Week in Review (April 23 - April 29)

Tuesday (21,465 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Milk Market run club! I decided I'd check out the path going east (super sketch) to RiNo, then ran to Mile Hi and back - just under 7 miles!
Feeling pretty accomplished for a Tuesday. Food was a variety of sandwiches.
Wednesday (19,359 steps) - Runners Roost Boulder!
Mike was in charge, and he decided our first trip of the year up NCAR was in order. Blah!!! So steep, and I had fire calves for a lot of this. A little mud, but not nearly as bad as it has been.

Thursday (14,430 steps) - Core class during lunch. Michael was kind enough to pick A up and bring her down to Belmar so that I could just head over right from work. What a time saver!
Weather was nice, and had a good run with Mo & Colfax.
Friday (31,385 steps) - Was able to get out of work early so I could do a long trail run after work! Jeramiah and Tyler were kind enough to meet me at Lair o' the Bear so we could run the entire length (about 12 miles round trip). I have run out there a decent number of times, but usually max out around 8 - so it was fun to run the whole thing! Weather did turn a bit and we got rained on a bit on the way back. Jeramiah was still recovering from being sick and we spent a decent amount of time waiting for him.

After we got done running, headed into Golden to meet up with Eliot & Bob for drinks/food. Managed to run into a few other folks I knew at one of the places we stopped. AND, I got to eat the original Woody's!! I haven't been since the two locations nearest me closed nearly 5 years ago. LATE NIGHT.
Saturday (12,413 steps) - Up insanely early. Drove down to Denver to Pete's house, and then down to Castle Rock to volunteer at the Rock Hawk trail races. It ended up being MUCH colder than anyone thought, and we nearly froze the first few hours. Sun came out later, and it was a lot more pleasant.

Went out to breakfast with Pete, Randy & Kristin. Then headed home to shower and nap. Met up with Ben at Torchy's, took Pika for a walk to the lake.
Sunday (16,667 steps) - Up "early" to meet up with Pete, Janet, Kristin, Doug & Ringo at North Table for a run. Ben planned to run the whole loop (around 9 miles) and the rest of us were torn between 4 & 6. Ended up just doing 4.5ish because the dogs were hot.

Enjoyed beers on the patio.
Home for lunch, shower & then it was down to south Denver to Renegade Brewing for a drink & food before going to Fiddler's Green to attend the Sabroso Taco Festival!
(Sadly, we missed the tacos AND craft beer tastings). Fun to see all the punk bands (Black Flag, the Vandals, Bad Religion & headliner - The Offspring!) It did start raining when Offspring came on stage, but there was no way I was leaving before hearing them. They were awesome live, I'll definitely pay the money to go see them again. Fun night (with Ben, the Heathers & Christina).
THEN, even though we didn't get home until after 11, we had to watch the newest Game of Thrones episode, because #spoilers. Latest night ever, glad I called work to say I would be in late.
Monday (14,835 steps) - Didn't get to work until 9:30, so skipped the gym. Ben was able to stick around for another day, so we made plans to meet up at New Terrain (even though there was a storm coming in, run club was still on!) Picked up A and Pika and by the time we got close, the snow was really coming down. Ben ran the full loop again (and we managed to see him when we were heading up). Pika was much happier running in the snow. I was NOT as happy, as the trails were slick & muddy. Boo.

Ben seemed to enjoy hanging out and having a beer. Opted to pick up pho since it was so cold. Re-watched Game of Thrones since we were sure we had missed stuff. Honestly, I'll probably even need to watch a third time.

  • 130,554 steps
  • 37.2 miles run
  • Two gym visits & a walk

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...