Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Week in Review (November 21 - November 27)

Tuesday (7,084 steps) - Barre with Kelly. May or may not have been a good idea as we used a glider during thighs and a band during gluts.
Wednesday (11,827 steps) - Roost Louisville run club at Crystal Springs brewery! I brought my Orange Mud Adventure Pack to try out on our super long/fast 2 mile run. Seems like it will work just fine!
Thursday (7,635 steps) - See Chattanooga 100 recap.
Friday (92,890 steps) - See Chattanooga 100 recap.
Saturday (88,030 steps) - See Chattanooga 100 recap. On my drive back to my hotel I had to pull over and nap in the parking lot of a gas station - I was overwhelmed with exhaustion! Stopped at Hardee's for dinner and then I pretty much only had time for packing. Watching a few episodes of Law & Order SVU while I was doing that.
Sunday (8,664 steps) - Alarm went off at 4:30. Why on earth did I book a 7 am flight??? At least Chattanooga has a teeny tiny airport. I had a delicious breakfast burrito before my flight. Long layover in Chicago, but at least no cancellations. Landed early in Denver, picked up A at Jan's house. Enough time to shower before heading to Alison's birthday party. From THERE we went to the Runners Roost team party. It was great seeing everyone, but I was exhausted, and apparently didn't get in any pictures.
Monday (9,248 steps) - Yay work. Runners Roost/ Coohills ugly sweater "run"! I of course didn't run, because I'm still a cripple, but I had a nice, brisk walk with Ang and Heather. Fun times were had after with delicious food and drinks. Love this event every year!
  • 225,378 steps
  • 89.5 miles run
  • 1 barre class

1 comment:

  1. Wow, 225k steps!! So 695,568 in a two week period, just as an example, sounds like a lie.......


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...