Friday, August 18, 2017

Run the Rockies half marathon (Race Recap)

Saturday, August 12
Avon, Colorado
Half Marathon #169
Weather - perfect

After running the Run the Rockies trail half marathon last year, I knew I would want to run it again, especially if I was healthy. I registered for the half marathon for a super low price of $40, and signed A up for the 10k for only $20. Yes, you read that right, both of us were going to be racing for $60!

Packet pick up is as no-frills as it gets. A bib and a shirt (which we both took, but will donate because they are cotton).

The half started at 8 and the 10k started at 8:30, so A stayed with me at the finish line until it was time for me to go. I remembered that although the first few miles of the course are pretty flat, I have a hard time warming up until a few miles in, so I started at the back.

Like last year, I made it through the first mile before I started to take walk breaks. The first few miles run along Lake Dillon, and it was just as spectacular as last year. I stopped briefly at the aid station near the camp ground before we headed into the more heavily wooded section. This is probably my favorite part of the course!

Around mile 4.5 the course heads out into a more expose trails section, which is also where the most climbing is. It seemed pretty warm out and I was taking a lot of walk breaks. I passed a few people when we got to the next aid station and they lingered.
Somewhere around mile 6 or 7, I noticed a teenage boy standing on the side of the trail, shortly after a section where a volunteer was stationed to prevent people from cutting the course. Interestingly, he somehow managed to get in front of me after we looped around. I mentioned to him (as I passed him) that he had cut the course and he seemed very indignant at the accusation. Hello, we are running on single track, I think I would know if you had magically passed me again. I hate cheaters.

The rest of the race was pretty uneventful. I got pretty tired and took more walk breaks than I would have liked, but overall it was fine, and I finished about 10 minutes faster than last year. I would have been happier about that if I hadn't been injured last year, but ah well.
A met me at the finish line and we waited for Tom and Lynette to come across. Got some pizza and beer and spent at least an hour talking with Tom and Lynette before we finally headed out.

Official Time - 2:52:01
Division Place - 18/25
Garmin Time - 2:52:23
Garmin Distance - 12.90 miles
Garmin Pace - 13:21
Elevation Gain - 981'
Mile 1 - 11:17
Mile 2 - 12:02
Mile 3 - 13:08
Mile 4 - 13:36
Mile 5 - 13:44
Mile 6 - 15:29
Mile 7 - 12:59
Mile 8 - 12:55
Mile 9 - 14:38
Mile 10 - 12:30
Mile 11 - 13:35
Mile 12 - 13:23
Mile 12.9 - 13:21

A ran the 10k in 1:21:25, which was good for 3rd (out of 6!) in the 19 and under age group.


  • This event is pretty awesome. Pretty sure I will run it again next year. Great price, good post-race food and beer - I finish towards the back and there was plenty left.
  • Scenery alone puts this race in my top ten events ever.

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